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Monday, November 19, 2018

Not With It...

The holidays are here & rapidly piling down on us all.  I'm not feeling any of the antipathy I used for them.  But, there's not much there for them either.   I'm not upset, I'm just meh.  

I feel disconnected from them.  It doesn't help these last few months have flown. I feel I like should be getting ready for Halloween, not Thanksgiving.  The shopping is done & food is gathered.  We've even mostly covered for Christmas.  I say mostly, because there could always be last minute changes.

This year is different for our household.  Most of it doesn't directly deal with me, but our typical plans have changed & perhaps permanently.  The saying that a window opens when a door closes isn't always true.  Sometimes you have to pound a way through.  I hope this is just a period resting & recovering for those around me.  I think they all need it.

Take care & in case I forget, have a Happy Thanksgiving.


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