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Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Issues With Articles...

When I'm looking for articles, I run into several problems.  The most common, is I simply can't locate any new pieces.   But there are others.

This piece is about the medication being developed in Israel.    I posted about this drug yesterday.  Zion, the developer, is having to quell rumors of it being an utter cure or an absolute hoax.   Follow up to new articles is always important.  Which of those is right?  Probably neither, but may take a while for the actuality of things to come out.

This piece is about another dentist, this time in Pennsylvania.   The dentist failed to do proper sanitation.  The office is closed & the dentist surrendered his license.  Health authorities are warning any one who went to the this dentist in the past 11 years to get tested for HIV & hepatitis.  

Then there was another article.  I'm not posting a link.  I refuse to help this site.  It sounded interesting.  It alleged it was about HIV & comorbidities.   This is a serious problem & could've been a good read.  All this "professional" piece said was that  there was a problem & pattern with HIV  & comorbidities.  Well, DUH! We knew that.   They hoped their drivel would motivate more actual study.  This wasn't a professional article, it wasn't an abstract, hell it wasn't even a tidbit.

Articles can be scarce or even problematic.  They can continue to develop over a long period.  The info can change or repeat.  Some, just aren't really articles at all.

Take care.


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