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Thursday, November 2, 2023

Maybe That's All For Now...


In the past decade I lost a lot.  I lost my dentist & a couple of insurance companies that I actually liked.  My cable service downgraded us & we lost most of our stations.  Sometimes you choose to leave, some loses don't really matter, but some do.  

I liked my dentist & those insurance company loses made me scramble.  During this last year or so, there have been more serious losses.  I had to finally leave the mechanic shop I'd used for years.  Netflix shuttered it's DVDs.  I lost my regular doctor on telemedicine.  Now, my PCP doctor is gone.   

With the exception of the telemedicine doctor, I'd had those others for over 20 years & now they're just abruptly gone.  The mechanic should've happened sooner, but eventually there just wasn't a choice.  Change & loss can be difficult enough when you choose it.  When it's forced on you, it's rough.  I'm annoyed at the mechanic shop.  I'm angry about the doctor situation.  I'm still sort of heart broken over the DVDs.  They got me through a lot.  Now just takes you to sappy "it's over" page.    Now add to that a video site I'd used since the 90s shut down, so long  

They used to say for every loss, something new would come.  That's not true.  It's rarely happened for me.  If there was something new, I had to find it.   There is a new dentist, medical provider & insurance agent, but none of them are the same or what I wanted.  All time passing seems to mean is loss.  Oh you might gain some negatives or responsibilities, but doubtful, it'll be much of what you really wanted.  Talk about wanting to live for the day.


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