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Sunday, June 12, 2022

Hot Arrived...


June is doing what I thought it would.  It went from dismal, wet, dreary & cool.  To too damn hot & humid in a couple of days.  Yesterday was overly warm.  Today is supposed to get HOT.   The heat wouldn't be that bad, but it comes right after a lot of rain.  It's going to be sweltering.  June continues to suck.  It just changed the flavor, like going from horehound to salted black licorice.

June sucks, it's going to be a muggy hell.  The grass needs cut & the bugs are in abundance.  I hope the lawn guy doesn't try to mow today.  This heat might just kill him.  That'd be sad, but then I'd have to find someone else to mow the yard.  Callous, I know, but also true.

Take care.


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