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Sunday, May 15, 2022



It's finally warm & bright enough for me to shed some of my SAD issues.  Of course that means the rest of the world decides it's time to be difficult & bring me down.  There's the noise of all types, bugs, mowing, crappy social issues, people's complaining, etc...  

I'm just try to tune it all out.  If I don't, I'm going to snap.  These people may have to mow, but I still think they're assholes for doing it before I'm out of bed.   I can only do much about the bugs.  I couldn't do anything about the cat yowling at my window last night.  For people who think it's hot, it's not even really Summer yet.  Don't burn out your griper before  you even get to June. 

I can't do much about a lot of this, so I'll try to ignore it & to every Bruce, F'off.   Stop trying to bring me down.  I finally feel like I'm not withering in the cold darkness.  

Take care.


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