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Friday, February 19, 2021

Tired Of It...


I'm tired of this last year & all those idiots that made it worse than it had to be.  I hate the way people at all levels handled COVID-19.  We could have been out of this by now, if there'd been proper management & standards set in the beginning.

Now this Winter hell is here.  During COVID there were shortages at the store.  Those were nothing compared to what I saw my last trip to the store.  There have been warnings & issues from the electric & gas companies.   There were outages & shutdowns.  Now there are water issues.  We've had crappy water pressure for days & we've been warned we could run out if people don't conserve.   If that happens, beyond the very real inconvenience, pipes could be damaged.

I hate this last year & this Winter.  Mostly I despise it because of how stupid, selfish & uncooperative  so many people have been.  With proper management 2020 wouldn't have been pleasant, but it could've been handled.  With proper  standards, our utilities & infrastructure wouldn't be such a crap show at the moment.  There were outside factors, but they could've been handled.  All it would've taken was people pulling their heads out.


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