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Saturday, January 23, 2021

Another Phone Call...


My phone rang last night.  I knew it wasn't good news when I saw it was my sister.  Other than my roomie, no one calls me unless they want something, are reminding me of appointments or are bearing bad news.  Turns out it was the latter. 

My father passed on January 4, 2021, he was 76.  I hadn't seen in much over the years.  We talked occasionally on the phone.   He had COPD & had been going downhill the last couple of years.  My parents lived a lot longer than I expected.  They were both heavy drinkers, smokers & fairly violent people.  Maybe in their next lives they can find some peace & joy.

I admit it's weird news & I'm a little unsettled.  I'm not upset he died.  I'm angry, that they both pushed me to the point that I'm mostly indifferent to their deaths.  In my mom's case,  also a little relieved.  Why would you choose to live your life in such a way, your children couldn't muster any emotion for your passing other than relief?  


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