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Thursday, May 7, 2020

Not Weird At All...

Not trying to be judgemental, but I don't trust this.  A few years ago, Israel based, pharma company, Zion Medical claimed the developed of an HIV drug, they called Gammora.   They touted it as a near cure.  There's been a lot of flack against that.  My problem  is, even though I've heard of Zion, there's not a lot on it.  All I can find is their webpage, not even a decent article or wiki page.   There's even less on Gammora, just reaction pieces.  BTW, can we take a look at the name, that kind of implication with an HIV med.  Says a lot.

This article states, it aids in the fight against COVID in Africa. It's not claiming to cure the virus, but to aid in recovery.  I don't trust much from Zion.  It would be nice if this worked though.  I'll wait & see though.   I find it hard to trust a pharma company so little is  known about.


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