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Sunday, March 29, 2020

Corona Sides....

On the downside, my rural county now has its 1st COVID-19 case.   Also on the bad side, idiots in my area are treating off duty medical professionals/staff as pariahs.  They're being harassed in public & sometimes even forced to leave stores.  These are the people who are going to take care of you.  Still, you won't let them buy groceries.  If you're 1 of the people tormenting these health care providers, you deserve nothing but the worst.

On a good/bad side, Orange Trumpius allowed the pharmaceutical company, Gilead, orphan status on a med to fight coronavirus.  This would've allowed the company to treat this as a rare disease & charge extreme prices for the med.  According to this piece,  Gilead asked the FDA to rescind the orphan status.  Gilead faced serious backlash after the attempt to profiteer off of COVID-19.  I guess they'd had enough bad press lately.

On the brightside, this article is about how 2 COVID-19 patients in New York were taken off ventilators after receiving an experimental drug.  Leronlimab (PRO 140) is a humanized antibody in development by CytoDyn.  The company specializes in antibody therapies which target CCR5, a receptor  in white blood cells known to be an issue in many ailments from HIV to cancers.    The drug is still experimental, but being fast track approval by the FDA.  It could be an answer.  Here's hoping.


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