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Thursday, May 16, 2019

Not Good Again...

I'm not feeling well.  I've been dealing with sinus issues since coming back from my specialist appointment, last Friday.  2 days ago, it developed into a slight cough.  I didn't sleep well that night & woke up with a sore throat.   I felt like crap yesterday.  I was completely wiped & coughing a lot.  Last night was hell.  I barely slept.  I was feverish & coughing so much, I gave myself a slight nosebleed.   About 4,  I got to sleep.  

I'm up now & feel like crap.  The cough is still here, but not as bad as last night.   My throat keeps tickling, like I'm heading into a cough fit.  So far, just a few this morning.  Hopefully, this, whatever it is, will head out soon.  I'm exhausted.

Take care & be well.


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