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Sunday, December 23, 2018

Tomorrow & So On...

Tomorrow will start the last week of the year.  It will be my roomie's birthday & Christmas Eve.  Then Christmas, then a few days & then New years & then no more 2018.  

Often, I'm very ready for a year to end.  Not so much this time.  It's been weird & some unpleasant things have happened, but it didn't feel like I was constantly under siege like other years.   2018 may not have been great for me, but it was far from the worst.  For me, the last half of it just seemed to disappear.  It's like we just entered July & now it's almost January.

2018, may not have been my best year.  It is however, a year I can make peace with & say my farewells.  Many times, I just try to hurl myself into the upcoming year.  

Like or not, the clock's ticking & soon 2019 will be here.


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