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Monday, December 31, 2018

New Year's Eve...

The bearded, old man is walking out the door & baby 2019 is crawling up.  There are less than 16 hours left in the year.  Not much time to wrap up your 2018 business.  I've said my peace about this year.  It's been alright by me, not high or low.  I can use this kind of year.  I'd like a little more upswing, but I'd rather have neither than down.

We're ending the year nearly 2' (that's feet) above average for rain.  Most of it came in August.  I'm trying not to be me & see mountains ahead that might just be molehills.  I'd like to go into the year peaceful & calm.  A weird thing for me.  

Goodbye 2018, thank you for all you brought.   Best wishes to all you out there.  May the new year be kind to you.


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