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Saturday, May 12, 2018

Rough Outing....

I have a mostly hate/hate relationship with Fort Smith, AR.  It should take me a little over 30 minutes to get there.  It's only 37 miles to the far side of town & most of the drive is highway at 65 mph.  Sometimes I can get to Fort Smith in about 25 minutes.   Other times, it can take over an hour, just because of idiots.  

Errands in Fort smith fall into 2 categories, boon or bust, with little in between.   And both can leave you exhausted.  Yesterday's errands should've been simple.  I should've been able to hit a single store & get out.   It wound up taking 3 stores, miles apart & a lot of walking/searching to find what I needed.  I finally did, but it was exhausting & frustrating.   At least we picked up food on the way & I didn't have to cook when we got home.

I'm still tired & my feet hate me.  But we have what we were after.  Fort Smith should be renamed  Annoying Fuckery.   If it's going to be that, it should least it could be pretty about it.  It can't even pull that off well.


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