Yesterday started off well, it was even bright out. We had a lot planned for us. There were bills to be paid locally & via mail. It was a big shopping day. There was a trip to the bank. A stop buy the mail place & getting lunch. Meds had to ordered. All of this should've been handled by 12:30 - 1:00. That didn't happen. We still had to eat lunch & wait for a plumber to show by 3:00.
When I called around 9:30 to check on my meds, the pharmacy had some disturbing news. They wouldn't be able to fill the order for my HIV meds. There was too big a discrepancy between the cost of the med & what my insurance was paying out. This just started, probably with new year. There are a lot pharmacies around here, but most have the same provider. That left Walmart. I called & the long, ordeal of waiting for an answer began. I didn't know until nearly noon if this would be a fix.
Walmart did fill it & had it on hand. I'm not sure what I would've had to do if they couldn't have. I'd been playing phone tag with my specialist in Tulsa. My regular pharmacy may eventually be able to get this fixed for me, but until then I'm at Walmart for my Dovato. This isn't what I wanted, but it will work.
The bank, bills & mail got handled. Shopping was done & meds picked up. The plumber did show & fix the issue. Everything got sorted, but the stress of it wrecked the day & wiped me out. I'm still a bit frazzled. Albeit, we finished everything on our list, it wasn't a good day. There was way too much crap.
Today needs to be a major nothing day before we head into this upcoming cold front BS. It's supposed to last about a week. I hate cold, dark, Winter.
Take care.