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Thursday, January 9, 2025

Snows Coming...


It's supposed to start snowing soon.  It might get barely above freezing today.  We could anything from 0 - 13".  Hard to tell with the weather around here.  It's good we don't have to go out any today & we handled tomorrow's errands yesterday.

Today is President Carter's funeral.  There will be no mail today.  Carter's fall from politics was my 1st real clue that people don't want you to be that honest with them.

The snow has begun.  Here's hoping it's light & ends sooner than later.   Winter sucks.

Take care, stay safe.


Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Freezing & Rescheduled...


Yesterday's forecast was wrong.  It did not get above freezing.  The faucets have been dripping for days & I hate the noise.  It's better than busted pipes, but the noise is annoying.  It's supposed to snow tomorrow & into Friday morning.  Here's hoping we don't get what's in the forecast.  That could be a lot.

We did stuff we'd normally do today, yesterday.  We'll handle Friday's shopping today.  The only normal thing we'll do today is take the trash out & check mail.

We stopped by the furniture place yesterday & ordered a mattress.  I delayed the delivery of the other furniture.  It'll all come at the same time, around the 23rd.

We left the front stove on last night & I have regrets.  It's loud & kept waking me.  Heaters get to me after a while.  I woke with a bit of sore throat & stuffy nose.  The choice, do you want to be warm or do you want breathe?

That's all for now, take care.


Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Grey & Looking...


It's grey out this morning & cold.  We barely got above freezing yesterday.  It should last longer today.  We're supposed to get snow this week.  After Friday the temps will have the faucets dripping over night, but not all day as well.

We've not had the best luck with shopping lately.  Both my roomie's & mine med orders were messed up.  They got fixed, but it wasn't fun.  I'm waiting on my furniture order.  Looks like I'm going to need a new mattress as well, mine is really old.   Who knows how long this will take.

I guess that's about it.  We have to figure out the plans for the week.  Hopefully this won't get bad.  We don't need that.

Take care.


Monday, January 6, 2025



Short post this morning.  It's freezing & I'm trying to type with gloves on.  I don't know how people do this all the time.  I've had to redo almost everything already in this post.   

It might get above freezing & the next several days are supposed to be just above that.   Hopefully, this is our coldest week, but we still have February to get through.  This isn't going to be fun for taking a shower & then going out to handle shopping & errands.

At least it's bright out this morning.   My hate affair with Winter continues.  I'm not sure why, but the little seasonal birds that normally hang out in the yard aren't here this year.  Every year there's less of the little animals about.  I haven't little birds raid the cat food in years.  So many thing aren't here anymore.  I'm being a bit selfish as well, they always made my day a bit brighter & easier to manage.

That's all for now.  Take care.


Sunday, January 5, 2025

Uneasy Dark...


It's dark again this morning.  It's also drizzling.  Winds are supposed to blow in a cold week.  The hourly calls for it to be under freezing by 6:00.  The next several days will be very cold & there could be snow by Thursday night going into Friday morning.  Of course all of that could change for the better or worse.  

This Winter is being a lot harder on me than last year.  Aches, chilblains, swelling, rough breathing, skin issues, etc...   The mornings won't start coming earlier for a week  & then only by minutes.  Right now sunrise is at 7:27.  By the 19th it should be at 7:24.  But sunset should move from 5:21 to 5:34 in that time.  So in 2 weeks there should be 16 more minutes of sunshine.  It's not much, but it's something.  The time change is still over 60 days away.

I'm not doing well with this Winter or the impending orange BS storm.  I'm trying to find something as a high point.  It's not easy, but I am trying.  It'd be nice if everything else wasn't fighting so hard to make it feel impossible.

That's all for now, take care.


Saturday, January 4, 2025

UUGGHH!!! WTF Day...


Yesterday started off well, it was even bright out.  We had a lot planned for us.  There were bills to be paid locally & via mail.  It was a big shopping day.  There was a trip to the bank.  A stop buy the mail place & getting lunch.  Meds had to ordered.  All of this should've been handled by 12:30 - 1:00.  That didn't happen.  We still had to eat lunch & wait for a plumber to show by 3:00.

When I called around 9:30 to check on my meds, the pharmacy had some disturbing news.  They wouldn't be able to fill the order for my HIV meds.  There was too big a discrepancy between the cost of the med & what my insurance was paying out.  This just started, probably with new year.  There are a lot pharmacies around here, but most have the same provider.  That left Walmart.  I called & the long, ordeal of waiting for an answer began.  I didn't know until nearly noon if this would be a fix.  

Walmart did fill it & had it on hand.   I'm not sure what I would've had to do if they couldn't have.  I'd been playing phone tag with my specialist in Tulsa.  My regular pharmacy may eventually be able to get this fixed for me, but until then I'm at Walmart for my Dovato.  This isn't what I wanted, but it will work.  

The bank, bills & mail got handled.  Shopping was done & meds picked up.  The plumber did show & fix the issue.  Everything got sorted, but the stress of it wrecked the day & wiped me out.  I'm still a bit frazzled.    Albeit, we finished everything on our list, it wasn't a good day.  There was way too much crap.

Today needs to be a major nothing day before we head into this upcoming cold front BS.  It's supposed to last about a week.  I hate cold, dark, Winter.

Take care.


Friday, January 3, 2025

Blog & HIV Anniversaries 2025...


I started this blog 14 years ago.  I don't always know where it's going, but it's still here.  I've tried to keep this related to HIV matters relating my situation & area.  Sometimes it's just about my life & how I'm getting by.  Here's to making to 15.

It was 25 years ago I was diagnosed with HIV.  I was given 5 years to live at that time.  It's been 5 times that.  I'm not sure that's a good thing.  It's been really stressful & difficult at times.   I started new med last September & things were going well.  This morning I found out that my pharmacy has issues covering it.  Now I'm scrambling to find another provider.  Too much of these 25 years have been confusing, hard & anxiety ridden.  Maybe the 5 years wasn't the worst option.  Hopefully this med thing will work out soon.

That's all for now.  Happy Anniversary to the blog & my HIV.

Take care.


Thursday, January 2, 2025

The 2nd Day...


January & 2025 have started.   Tomorrow is the 1st bills of the year day.  I don't have much to say this morning.  The holidays are over & things should return to our normal.  We'll take the decorations down in a few days.  Now on to the awfulness of Winter.

I hope the holidays treated everyone well.  They can be hard for a lot of us.  May 2025 be so much better than we hoped.

Take care.


Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Ready Or Not, It's 2025...


2025 is here & here's hoping we don't get buyer's remorse.  Maybe that's 2024 survivor's remorse.  Here's to the year.  May it be better than we had thought it might be.

This piece is bound to cause a stir.  It shows an association in those living with HIV who are smokers & less neuroinflammation.   It also stated that smoking lead to better cognitive control.  People with HIV are more likely to smoke & have a harder time quitting.  It's providing them with some benefits.  Maybe there is a way to simulate the effects without the detriments of the smoking.

That's all for now.  It's a good piece. May your year be bright, prosperous, kind & joyful.
