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Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Happy Holidays...

Well, it's Christmas & New Year's is next week.  So far it's gone as well as it usually does for us.  We'll have dinner later & that'll be about the end of it.  The decorations will stay up for a while, at least until the new year.  

I never have high expectations for the holiday season, but this time has seemed pretty flat.  There were so few lights & so much humbug & dread.  It's strange how let down you can feel about something you really weren't into all that much.  It's just a big game of anticipation followed by a crash of bright lights, noise & shredded paper.  Then like that, it's over.  Holidays aren't like sex or pizza.  If you had so-so or even bad  sex or pizza, you still at least had sex or pizza.  Off or bad holidays are unfulfilling let downs, that leave marks, questions & hollow feelings.

I hope for everyone else, the holidays were grand.  For me, I'm just ready for them to move on & not have to think about them for another year.  It's bad enough when I'm not good with holidays, but when everyone else jumps on board, that's a little much.

Take care & may the rest of the year be kind to you.


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