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Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Eclipse, Cats, Rain & Misc...


The eclipse happened & it was neat to see.  The powers that be in our town & surrounding areas highly overestimated the number of people that'd be out.  If anything, that's the least amount of people I've seen out on a Monday morning in a long time.   So much for Arkansas' state of emergency.  Still it was an experience.

Our older cat Millie turns 8 this month.  We don't exactly when.  The youngest will be 6 months soon.  Where are all these smart, graceful cats people talk about?  We keep getting clumsy, awkward doofuses.  We love them, but smart, elegant or graceful are not words we'd use to describe them unless we were being sarcastic.

It rained a lot last night.  Somewhere just over 3".  It was loud & bright.   I didn't sleep well through that storm.  It wouldn't find a rhythm. 

For the miscellany;  I forgot yesterday was National Native American HIV/AIDS Awareness Day.  There are more articles out about how British, heterosexual adults got a rude surprise in finding out they weren't somehow exempt from contracting HIV.  Lastly, there's been quite a few pieces over HIV in young people.  This isn't surprising.  They test to have the least understanding of the illness.  This is entirely due to awareness & education programs being taken away from their age groups via schools other outlets. 

That's all for now, take care.


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