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Wednesday, November 8, 2023



Being offended at something seems to be the ticket to conversation these days.  I try not get offended at things since they weren't generally aimed at me.   However sometimes I wonder are these people really offended.  Maybe they're dealing with hurt feelings,  injured egos or a dissonances in expected realities.  

There's been a lot in the recent past that's bruised my feelings & my ego.  I'm usually not taken in by the dissonance, but the wasn't the case last night.   Last night I was offended or at least it felt that way at the time.

I was going to the kitchen & noticed how ridiculously dark it was outside.  Then I looked at the clock & it was just 6 PM.  For a moment I was just so offended.  How could it be this dark already?  It wasn't just evening dark either, it was pitch outside.  There was cloud cover, so the night sky was a void.  

I hate the early dark.  It's that way by 5:15PM now & will only get earlier.   After being used to have light till about 9PM, this isn't the loss of an hour, it's nearly 4.  On top of that even the morning light is also waning, no matter what the time trick says.

Depending where you are in the northern hemisphere, by Yule, the days will shorten to a brief  7 - 8 hours.  After MidSummer having between 15 - 16 hours of daylight.  That's half the light, no surprise people go nuts.  It's no wonder at the offense.

Technically, I wasn't offended.  There was no great moral or ethical outrage.  I was just caught of guard & surprised by the situation.  I can dislike the dark days, but I can't really be offended by them.  They aren't sentient.  This wasn't aimed at me.  So, I have no real offense with the dark days.  But, I do have plenty of hate.  I hates it forevers.


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