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Thursday, July 15, 2021

Phones & Debate...


We the new phone is activated.  It's weird & I'm still not sure what to think of it.  It took a while to reenter all of numbers.  The store couldn't communicate with the old phone.  So, contacts had to be entered  manually.  That wasn't fun.  This might be a fine phone, I'm just not used to it yet.  I probably wasn't  fond of the last phone when we 1st got it.   I'll adapt.

The debate about HIV & COVID is ongoing.  They can't make up their minds about how dangerous COVID is for those HIV+.  The latest arguments leaned towards the not good side.  That could change next week.  All we can do is get vaccinated & take reasonable precautions.  I don't have hopes for that.  Condom  usage would've drastically cut back HIV  transmissions.  See how well that went.

That's all for now, take care.


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