This is a crappy morning for several reasons. 1st off, it's morning & we are always contrary to each other. My roomie is ill & I'm still not feeling well. I was supposed to have a medical appointment right now, but it got rescheduled last minute. It's now at a less convenient time next week. If I'd known sooner, I could've schedule the repairman to fix the roof issue earlier. But that would've been considerate.
Finally, we have proof that Democrats can't pick an electable candidate. People choose that orange bastard over her. He can do a lot of damage in 4 years. I hate a lot of people right now. But the Democrats have their own culpability here. For too long they've lived in a world of ought-to-be's & wouldn't-that-be-nice's. They've kept their heads in this pretty, rose colored version of should-be, instead of what actually was. I don't think people voted for that bastard as much as they voted against her.
Maybe we'll get through this.