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Thursday, October 17, 2024

Chilly Thursday...


Short post this morning.  It was cold last night & I slept fairly deep.  That's good & bad.  I probably needed the sleep.  But, I overslept & now I'm stiff.  The cold should end soon.   I didn't see any articles & we have no plans.  With any luck, this will be a nothing day.

Take care.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Mid October...

It's the middle of October & it got cold last night.  I'll be glad when this week is over & more seasonal temps return.  Other than checking mail & taking out trash, today should be mostly handled.

As for the car.  That trip amounted to nothing.  The mechanics couldn't find what the issue was.  Now we wait & see if it happens again.  That sucks.  

That's about it for now.  Take care.


Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Morning Wait...


Another morning waiting to hear back from someone.  This time, we're waiting to hear from the mechanic about the car.  It had issues yesterday & we aren't sure what's wrong with it.   Our hopes; they can find it, they can fix it & that the cost won't be outrageous. 

It got colder last night & is supposed to be that way through the week.   Then the temps should be more seasonal.  At least it's sunny this morning.

That's all for now, just waiting.  Take care.


Monday, October 14, 2024

It's Here...


The fret & dread are back.  I hate the seasonal darkening.  It feels like an attack on my well being.  A month ago, the light lasted well past 8.  Now it's sundown before 7.  There's already less than 12 hours of light in the day now.  I wish I could shut down when there was less than half a day's worth of sunlight.  

With no fans going, I can hear every noise.   Something's been waking me just before 7 AM for weeks.  It's a lot of outside crap making noise I can hear now.  To hell with morning birds, people, trains, etc...  It's cool enough the cats feel like roughhousing all night.  The cool down is changing how I sleep & how sore I am because of it. 

I hate waking up.  Nothing good ever comes of waking up.   I know there will be BS when I wake up, I'm just not sure what that will be.  What screwed up?  What needs fixed?  What did the cats do?   Am I what's messed up?  

As much as I love looking at the moon, I hate dusk & dawn.  Let it be bright or dark, but the middle crap is awful.  Shove the dismal somewhere I never have to deal with it again.   I will never understand the people who like the dismal, overcast, cloudy, foggy, dreary days.  I have serious questions concerning their character. 

I wish I didn't have to sleep.  That's when the defenses go down.  That's when we fool ourselves with dreams.  That's when stress gets creative & screws with those dreams.  Most of all, if I didn't have to sleep, I wouldn't have to wake.  If a person must sleep, they should have the option of never waking.

Little, if any good, ever comes from waking.


Sunday, October 13, 2024

Ick Out...


We had a fairly plain dinner last night, but somehow it really disagreed with me.  I was getting icked out after a little bit.  I got rid of the part I thought was offending my stomach.  That didn't help.  I couldn't finish it & I stayed fairly nauseous most the night.   I was still feeling off when I went to bed.  There have been a lot of bathroom visits this morning.  So far, I haven't gotten sick, but it's felt like a very real possibility.  

Hopefully as the day goes on, my stomach will settle.  I can't understand how something so basic as meat, cheese & bread set me off.  That's all for now, take care.


Saturday, October 12, 2024

OIDP & Cherokee Nation...


There aren't many Native pieces, but this article is about the OIDP (Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy) & Cherokee Nation working together for a program called HELP (Hepatitis C (HCV) Engagement and Linkage Program).  The program was started in 2023 & focuses on increasing screening for HEP C, HIV & syphilis. 

This is a 3 year program with goals of evaluating & working with care programs among vulnerable communities in hopes of handling these illnesses in these populations.  Eventually, the HELP program could spread to other tribes.  The program has partnered with medical professions, some via telehealth, local care programs & the Nation.  

This is the beginning of their 2nd year.   I hope it prospers.  The articles in this post were good reads (the initial piece & the 1 referencing the start in 2023).   If Native American health issues or HIV in vulnerable populations are an interest, I suggest these pieces.

Take care.


Friday, October 11, 2024



Things in my life have been challenging for so long, I'm almost always just on the edge of losing it.  It's less about losing my temper & more about having a mini to massive meltdown.  I can maintain some level of facade if things are going OK, but I don't have much left to deal with anything going sideways.

In the past, when I've talked to people about my family they don't get it.  They don't understand how someone could fall so deeply into being drunk or addicted.  They can't fathom just leaving things behind.  They don't see how these people could just explode & leave chaos in their wake. 

The thing is, I do.  I do see how it happened.  I don't agree or accept it, but I understand it.  I can see very well how easy it would be to just let go & dive into oblivion.  To just go out the door & never return.   I can picture everything that my parents did & how they got there.  I've done my best, when I could to avoid their paths, it hasn't always worked.  Sometimes their ways would've been so much easier, at least for a while.

This is why I don't buy the sympathy & empathy bit.  Too many people can't wrap their heads around people like my family.  So much for their alleged empathy.  My parents were very broken people.  It doesn't excuse what they did, but it explains a lot.  They were broken by people before them, like their parents.   The cycle goes on, until sometime steps out.  Stepping out of a thing like isn't easy & often not successful.

You can't have empathy or sympathy for something you can't relate to.  To do either requires an understanding most people don't have.  In my case, I hope they never have.  I don't ask for your sympathy.  It'd be nice if you could be more understanding, compassionate & kind.  But I have no need for you sympathy or empathy.  Those things are nice, but being nice is cheap.  Being kind can be hard & costly.

Take care.
