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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

July Bills...


It's time to go handle bills & errands.  It'd be nice if it wasn't quite so hot, but it is July.  It looks like next week will be a bit cooler.  Other than the bank stuff & a quick trip to the pharmacy, we don't have much else to besides try not to melt.  

My labs are rolling back in & my appointment for my screening is in 2 weeks.  I still don't know what time that will be.   That's about it for plans so far.

Take care.


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The 7th 2nd...


We've made to the 7th month of 2024.  It's not been as bad as 2023, but it hasn't been a fun ride either,  Being an election year, it has the potential to become a lot worse.  It'd be nice if all the conservatives would just drop dead before then.  That'd be party time.  Maybe this won't turn out to  another sucky year,

Tomorrow is bill day & then the 4th.  It's been pretty quiet around here considering we're normally getting blasted by fireworks.  I've heard a few, but not many.  

That's it's for now, take care.


Monday, July 1, 2024

Hello July...


Hello July, I hope you're a good month.  The last day of June turned out to be decent day for me, even it wasn't for anybody else.  For over the last decade, no matter the state of my health or well being, I did the majority of the work around the house.  That hasn't changed much.   I've made a decision, when I can I will make things easier on myself.

Yesterday had been the 1st day in a long time, all of June that I was having a decent day.  I wasn't sick, upset or seriously uncomfortable.  I planned on making sure I got through the day like that.  I made a decision that wasn't well received.  I did something early so I knew I'd feel like it.  Either way I was going to have to do it, no one else would.  But my choice did not please the house.  Oh well, I guess someone else could've undone it, but that would've required effort.

I could've let the reception bring me down.  But I decided to mostly ignore it.  I did what was best for me at the moment.  I was the only person that was going to that.  For the most part I had 1 decent day in June, even if others didn't.

It'd be nice if there were more decent days this month.  Maybe others can get on board.  If not, I can't make them.  I have enough issues of my own to tackle.  That's the thing, I'm the person taking care of me or at least trying to.

Take are.  May the month be kind.
