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Monday, December 31, 2012

Off To The Dentist & Happy New Year...

I'm going to the dentist today to get the 2nd part of a crown replacement.  That leaves me with just 2 more old tin-can types to get rid of over the next year or so, as I can afford them.  It's going to be a dreary ride over to Fort Smith.  It's been over cast for days & the dismal weather has been drizzling all morning.  This isn't good for my health or the happiness of my cats.

This is the last day of 2012.  So here are some things I'm thankful for.

  • The weather of 2012 was nicer than 2011
  • I'm in a decent place for most parts
  • I'm thankful for the time I had with Alice Cat
  • I'm thankful for being able to get into exercise
  • I'm thankful for this blog letting me occasionally rant
Those are some of the things I'm thankful this year.  What about you?


Sunday, December 30, 2012

Who Knows...

It's been hard finding articles on things I want to go over lately.  Most of them have covered topics I've already go over in abundance or just been fairly negative.  I've had my fill of the negative lately, so I'm opting not to discuss them at this time.  

As I mentioned last year, today is my Sister's birthday.  I won't call her.  I called right before Thanksgiving (US) & wished her happy holidays.  I can safely say it's been years since she's called me.  Even when she's had to cut our call short & said she'd call right back, she didn't.   

This is probably the best relationship I have with any of my family members.  My dad popped back up about   10 or so years ago.  He'd been out of my life since I was 16.  Apparently he'd found AA & managed to stay sober.  We talk occasionally on the phone & I've seen him a couple times when he's drove through to go see family in my hometown, Miami.  

Knowing this & with the stress of the cat's death, it's really been weird lately.  I'm not that uncommon for an HIV + person in the US.  Other than my roomie, I'm on my own.  I used to be very social & outgoing.  I had friends & acquaintances, but those have faded out a long time ago.   I used to be on the go constantly.  I'd go to work or college, then go home to clean up, then go out for the night, wind up getting something to eat & then crashing, only to start the whole thing the next day.  All this time to myself, sucks.  I don't have enough $  to be on the go as much as I used to.  Even if I did there wouldn't be anything to do in the area I'm in.  

I have to admit this is a challenge.  I come across it every once in a while.  Nothing much ever seems to get done about it though.  I don't know if there's much I can do right now.  I'll keep looking.


Saturday, December 29, 2012

Still Weird...

It's another day in the house without Alice.  I've lost cats before & know that I'll get used to it, but that sort of pisses me off at myself.    This month has been rough & my schedules have been shot.  My Virgoan nature is not pleased in the slightest.  I hope when the new year comes I can get back in sync again.  

The changing of all my schedules & being ill for a bit was bad enough.  But the stress from the cat situation has added to my issues.  I"m just now getting my sleep back in order & that will help.  It's been too cold for outside exercise & I've not got myself used to the indoors as well as I should yet.  I know some people run in the snow & cold.  I won't.  I've had enough respiratory issues since being +, I don't need more.

My hope for the new year is simple, please don't suck.  I have precious little energy left for suckitude.  A couple more days & 2012 is out the door.  I hope December's issues stay with it.  I need to get my routines back in place.  I need to get back to my exercise & regular sleep.  Some how, I really do need to find a way to expand my life, so there's more in it other than what I have now.  I'm just not sure how that's going to happen.


Friday, December 28, 2012

Good Journey My Alice...

Yesterday, midway past 5 in the afternoon, my cat Alice was finally at peace with the world.    We took her back to the vet.  He told us her kidneys were failing.  Throughout the day her condition had grown worse.  She wasn't eating or drinking much.  She lost control & urinated on my roomie.  She was confused & couldn't regulate her temperature.   I'm not sure she was even seeing us while we held her.  

We held her from noon until it was over.  I really hope I never forget her face.  She was my cat.  We have others, but I was Alice's person.  It seems I have an unasked for gift of attracting cats with strong personalities that aren't long for this world.  I'm happy to help them, but these final trips to the vet are hard.  Still, if you bring an animal into your life, it's your responsibility to day whatever is necessary to make sure that animal's life is as comfortable as possible.  That includes making the decision to take her to the vet a final time.

I'm not much for sentiment, but here's a poem a lot of people find comfort in, The Rainbow Bridge.

Alice, you will be greatly missed... May your next life be so much grander than this & may you have a far better home than I could offer with all the love & acceptance you deserved.


Thursday, December 27, 2012

Waiting For the Vet...

We took Alice to the Vet yesterday & she got poked & prodded.  She was given a shot for an infection & another for her fever.  The vet drew some blood for labs & filled her full of liquids to rehydrate her.  She has a bad tooth & needs it dealt with, along with a good cleaning.  Her breath is like death.  It's possible all that's wrong with her is a bad tooth & an infection.  However, there's a chance it could be worse.  The vet's supposed to call today.  So, here we wait.  This could mean anything from a dental appointment to putting her down.  I'm just not sure at this point.  I'll post more tomorrow.


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Sick Kitty...

This is Alice & she isn't doing all that well.  Today she's getting an unwanted trip to the vet.  It should be interesting since we got several inches or snow & frozen yuck last night.  Hopefully, it's just a sinus infection or something easy to resolve.  We'll see.  I've got stuff to do before I head out with her, so I have to cut this short.  


Tuesday, December 25, 2012

It's Christmas...

I hope everyone's holiday season is going well.  I'm not going to be posting much this time.  The weather is turning a bit nasty.  We could have anywhere from 0"'s to 9" of snow.  It's be raining off & on all night & the temperature is dropping.  Even if we don't get any snow, we'll have some frozen roads tomorrow.  I'm not a fan of the white stuff, because most people around these parts drive like idiots on ice & snow.  They don't think about black ice & needing to drive slower.   It's not going to surprise me if we have some outages in the area, internet or otherwise.  

On a good note, I'm feeling better.  Whatever was bothering me seems to have passed.  Now, I just have to nurse a cat to better health & the household seems like it will be on the mend.  

Again, the best of the season to everyone.


Monday, December 24, 2012

It's Christmas Eve...

The season is full swing.  I'm feeling better than I did yesterday.  I'm still worn out though.  I'm glad I don't have to go anywhere.  

I've never been a fan of this time of the year.  However, for the past few years I've been trying to make amends with the holiday season.   It was going respectively well until this year.  I'm not sure why, but this year December has been a on the sucky side of things.  A lot of little stuff & bad timing of things combined with some bad news for a friend.  The odd weather hasn't helped either.  Another day & Christmas is over.  Hopefully these issues we've been dealing with will stay behind in 2012 &  January will be a bit easier on us.

Whatever your plans, I hope you all have a great holiday.


Sunday, December 23, 2012

Not Well...

I'm not sure what hit me last night, but it wasn't pleasant.  My stomach turned against me & I wound up being ill in the middle of the night.  I slept horribly, tossing all night.  I'm too out of it to make much more sense in this post.  I'll post again tomorrow.  Hopefully this will be passed.


Saturday, December 22, 2012

Solstice Time Is Here...

Solstice is here.  This will be the longest night of the year.   The sun rose around 7:20 & will fall about 5:10.  Great night if you're a vampire or Santa.   The rest of the week will be about the same, but from here out the days will lengthen & the sun will rise earlier.  

This really is beginning to mark the end of 2012.   Albeit there have been some less than fun points, over all it's been a fairly good year for us.  Not so much for some of our friends, though.   Still. I'm not hurrying 2012 out the door like I was 2011.

It's time to start thinking about plans for next year.  Will you make resolutions?  What will they be?  I'm thinking about reinvesting in those I made last year.  

This is a good time of the year to contemplate things.  I think the thing I like best about it is the Winter night sky, especially if it's a clear, moon lit night.


Friday, December 21, 2012

Changing Of The Kings...

Tomorrow is the Solstice & the Winter holiday season is right underway.  Whatever ritual you celebrate, I hope it is wondrous time for you.   

Above are the Holly King & the Oak King, 2 versions of the Green Man & many other male personifications of nature.  The represent the battle of the Light & Dark of the year.  At Solstice, the Holly King Will be at his full might & will hold on to it until the Oak King regains the throne at Mid-Summer.  I'm not trying to push a holiday here.  I'm just recognizing the Solstice & Yule.  

From Saturnalia to Christmas to Hanukkah & any others may your holidays be bright.


Thursday, December 20, 2012

Down Time...

This last week went a awry & there was lots to deal with.  Today's, being fairly quiet for me, but my roomie is down with something that requires a bucket nearby.  It could be a lot of things;  a virus, bad food or just stress from the last week.  Hopefully, it'll pass through here & she'll be better for the holidays.  Being sick during the holidays is sort of a thing with her.  Hope everyone else fairing better.


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Up In Smoke...

This article talks about the effects smoking has on someone HIV +.  It shouldn't come as a surprise that smoking has an negative affect on + people.   Considering how many ailments associated with HIV are respiratory in nature.  

In this study of HIV patients who also smoked, they found that of the deaths during the study, 60% were associated with smoking & not HIV.  It showed a greatly reduced life expectancy as compared to a +, non-smoker.   Merely being a + smoker up the person's chances for stroke, heart disease & cancer greatly.

As a person who used to smoke, I can say that this may be 1 of the only positive things HIV brought into my life.  I quit smoking about 3 weeks before I was diagnosed.  I was just to sick to smoke.  I have not had a cigarette in the 21st century.  

If you're a smoker, you need to read this article.


Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Today's post is being usurped.   My day has been charted for 1 thing & that thing is Hobbits.  We are going to see the movie today.  It's a tradition of ours to see them & a belated/early birthday present for the both of us.  We're off to go wandering Middle Earth for a bit, until tomorrow.


Monday, December 17, 2012

To The Point...

After yesterday's post, I thought it a good choice to go with this article.  Titled HIV: Know The Facts, is a short piece on the qualities of the virus & how it's transmitted.  I realize this is a very basic primer, but apparently it's still needed.

I get frustrated that this article is still necessary 30 years into HIV.   I wonder how long it's going to be before everyone gets it (not literally).  Most the relevant facts concerning HIV have been with us for over 2 decades.  PSA's have been plentiful & educational efforts massive, but still some people act like they've never heard of word of it.

Read the article, it's straight forward & easy to understand.


Sunday, December 16, 2012

UK +...

This article is about a group British women coming to terms with being + when they didn't even consider themselves at risk.  It's an interesting read.  In the UK more & more heterosexual women are finding themselves +.   Even though the information has been out there, they still thought of HIV as being something gays, Africans & drug users had to face, not them.

I don't think they were being arrogant or classist.  No, they were being dangerously ignorant of the reality of who is at risk.  The simplest answer to that is, everyone.  Everyone is at risk from HIV.

I seriously wonder how long it's going to take people to understand that this virus does not discriminate?   It doesn't matter what you moral leader or political pundit says, HIV is a health matter, not something conjured up by a witch or a vengeful god.

Hope you read the article.


Saturday, December 15, 2012


OK, my head's a little out of it today.  We're supposed to hit 70 F today & my body feels like a wreck with all this up & down weather crap.  We had some rain & now we're on a warming trend for a bit.  Every time I get used to the Winter cold, it gets warm again.  It's playing hell with my sinuses.  The cats aren't handling much better.

I am altering my exercise again.  I've been moving more of my routine indoors due to the cold.  I'd like to do more upper body floor exercises, but my floor is hard & the carpet is like sandpaper.  I keep tearing up my elbows & knees.   In order to be able to do this other bit of exercise I've purchased an exercise ball.

My roomie has 1 & uses it frequently.  She seems happy with hers, so I decided to try it out.  I'm looking online at people's routines with the ball.  I'll figure out what I want to incorporate eventually.

Well, I still have things to do, so I'll write more later.


Friday, December 14, 2012

Things Change, But Not Memories...

This article is a must read.  It isn't "medical", but it's relevant.  It's about an older sister trying to adjust to the fact her younger brother is +.   He's 12 years younger than her & has an entirely different view of HIV.  No matter how optimistic he is, she still sees those friends she lost before.

HIV has been here for sometime.  For a teen of the 1980's, it was a scare-fest.  I watched people drop like flies on a cold day.  I watch others blaze out in rock-n-roll fashion with as much booze, coke & X as they could down.    I saw others try to be the "good" patient , only to fade out slower & more miserably. 

For all you younger ones, HIV may no longer be a death sentence, but in some our minds it's still a late  night, horror show, more frightful than any zombie flick.  I'm happy for you that will never see the nastiness that HIV brought to some.  It'll be wonderful when there's no longer such a thing as HIV.  It may not kill you like it used to, but it's still deadly.

I hope you read this article.  I think she gets it down better than I have.  Then again, I am the one who's +.


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Odd Day...

Our schedule is a little off this week.  I'm having my typical fight with the internet.  We have a few oddity things to do today.  Nothing big, but all of this has knocked me off my game.  I nearly forgot to type anything for my blog today.  I have things I still need to get through so this is a short one.

I hope everyone is doing well & that their days are feeling a little less off the mark than mine has today.


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Late Start & Stuff To Do...

It was cold & dark well past 7, so I retreated under my covers & barely woke up at 8.   I've wrote before about Wednesdays being my busy day.  This isn't all that busy, but I got off to a late start & I do have things around the house & the like to do.  

I don't have a lot to say today, but I will put this down.  I've been seeing far too much animosity lately about which holiday greeting to use.  Mostly it's been the Christmas crowd getting their panties in a bunch.   They scream about keeping their baby god in Christmas & how it should only be Merry Christmas, not Happy Holidays.  

For one thing, there are multiple holidays during this time of the year, so Happy Holidays is a appropriate.  The most important thing here is to remember when someone says; Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Seasons Greetings or whatever, they were trying to spread some cheer.  They acknowledged you existed & took a moment to be nice & try to spread some joy your way.  Don't be ass & make them regret their decision to be kind to you.  Be grateful that some one even took a second to recognize you exist.

What I want for this holiday season, is just for everyone to take a day & stop being a jerk.  Just one day, that's all, it won't kill you.  


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Closing In On 13...

There are just 20 days left until New Years.  Just 3 days past that I'll face my 13th HIV-Day.  It's sort of like a birthday, but not  Almost 13 years ago, I spent a very bad day (& I do mean all damn day) in an hospital emergency room.  Finally many hours later I was informed that I was +.  There was absolutely no ritual or ceremony or concern.  Just, "Oh by the way you have HIV."  It was not a good day.

I'd been sick for quite some time before that.  I'd been tested, but nothing came back + until that day.  I have no idea why.  I'm fairly sure I was starting to have some symptoms at least a year before, possibly 2.  After the diagnosis, there was a search for a doctor that would see me.  I had no $ & no insurance.  Finally, we found a place that was supposed to be a free or at least cost reduced clinic.  That part didn't hold out & I encountered possibly the worse doctor of my life.   She wound up being the one, who's inattention got me sent to the hospital.  I got past that & got on new meds.  Eventually I received notice I had qualified for disability. 

My life has changed in a lot of ways since then.  I've talked a lot about those things in this blog.  I've moved twice, lost a cat & gained others.  My roommate at the time ran for the hills with the "love of his life" (bluck). My current roomie & I have both faced hard times in the last decade, but things seem to be getting better.  That's all on this for now.


Monday, December 10, 2012

Another Monday...

Another week begins & it has all the trappings of a Monday.  My morning wasn't that fun.  Some of my programs have been in perpetual update mode for the last few days & it's very annoying.   They always want to update when I'm right in the middle of something & usually don't give me a choice about when they start.  I thought I had Webroot under control, but apparently I don't.

We went shopping & it was just a thrill, sarcasm.  There is no reason for that many people to be there at the same time.  They usually aren't there at that time in the morning.  To add to all of it, the little car is back to it's seasonal testiness.  It doesn't like to start in the cold.

We're back to cold as far as the weather is concerned.  There was actually ice on the water I leave for the outdoor cats.   The winter berry bushes are stuffed with sparrows.  It may not look like Christmas, but it's getting cold.

I still have some stuff to do, so this will be all for today.   

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Wrap Up...

The 1st full week of December is behind us & it's been a weird month.  It's been way too warm & I've been incredibly busy.  Neither of which I appreciate.  

The warm weather is supposed to drop off this evening.  It's looking like we'll be back to leaving on the faucets at night for a while.  This up & down stuff isn't pleasant.  We've had the windows open the better part of the last month.  Now, it's time to shut it all down again.

Last week was strange for us.  We had something that had to be dealt with every day.  Most people deal with that all the time, but I don't & it left me worn out.  I'm still trying to catch up.  I hate this.  I never realize how off my health is until something like that comes along & smacks me in the face with it.  Hey, wake up you're + & your energy levels suck.  There should totally be little hearts or energy cans you can occasionally jump up & grab.

I got my stretches in & some steps done.  I still have to deal with some household stuff, so I'm not sure how much else I'll get done today.  I really dislike days when just loading the dishwasher is a planned-for event.


Saturday, December 8, 2012


I was looking through articles today & kept coming across ones talking about how the stigma of HIV remains prevalent.   Duh!  There were articles from all over the world stating this obvious bit of truth, as if it was something that surprised them.  

Yes dear people, it may be almost 2013, but the world still holds onto the  stigma of AIDS & HIV.  All they had to do to find this out was talk to any + person out there.  For whatever reason, people like their stigmatized groups.  They want someone to blame, exile &  humiliate.

There are some in my area that know I'm +, but not that many.  I simply don't trust these people & quite frankly it isn't any of their business.  If I was ever in a place where I had to be employed again, it couldn't be around here.  I wouldn't even trust Fort Smith.  I'm not entirely sure how much I'd trust Tulsa.

Again, I say, "Duh!"  Only someone removed from the situation could ever be surprised that the stigma HIV is alive & well.  


Friday, December 7, 2012

Early Morning Issues...

I'm back to the morning light issue again.  This morning sunrise wan't until 7:14 AM.  I prefer it when it's sometime before 7.  That gives me a bit to adjust to the awful idea of getting out of bed.  Now, if I want to get up about 7:40, then I have a little over 25 minutes.  At that point this A.M, .the sunlight was just a weak suggestion of morning light.  

The problem here is that it's beginning to really alter my sleep & my schedule.  It's throwing me into waking up at odd times & at small noises.   I can usually go back to sleep fairly easily, but not when it keeps happening for days on end.  

Then I start getting sleep anxiety for lack of a better description.  When I wake up like this, an hour or so before I'm ready to get up, something suddenly pops into my mind.  Doesn't matter what it is; it could be $, weather, the cats, health, etc...  

What does matter is that my mind grabs hold of it & won't let go.  The thing runs through my thoughts.  It gets twisted & turned & all sorts of things start to develop.  What if something breaks & we don't have the $ to fix it.  What if that noise I heard was a cat breaking something in the kitchen.  What if I forgot to pay that bill & so on.   Most of these things aren't any big deal & a lot things that come into my mind aren't even really likely.  But still, my thoughts are focused in on them.

Eventually, I get back to sleep, but not before before getting rattled for  minutes 30 or longer over these strange thoughts.  When I wake up, it's like nothing really ever happened, except I'm not well rested.    I've never been 1 to have nightmares.  But I can get some seriously wicked stress dreams.  The worse my sleep is, the worse these cycles can become. They aren't good for my health.  

I will be seriously happy when the days start to lengthen out again.  This is just another seasonal thing that Fall & Winter bring into my life, like allergies & the flu.  I think the flu is easier to deal with than screwed up sleep patterns.


Thursday, December 6, 2012


A little off today.  Just got back from going to the dentist.  I'm in the process of getting  a crown replaced.  My mouth is a bit sore, but so is most my face from sitting with my mouth open for nearly an hour.  Overall, it wasn't bad. 

The only downside to it was that I had to get up a hella early & get out of here fairly early to make the appointment.  I am not a fan of mornings, especially not ones that end up with me in the dentist's chair.  After this crown is replaced, I have 2 more that need replacing.  At their cost, it'll probably take me another 2 years, but at least it'll be done.

I'm ending this now, I've got other stuff to do & I"m just not feeling quite up to par.


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Dr.'s Appointment....

Had my quarterly meeting with my primary care physician this morning.   Everything was on track & we made the next appointment for March.  I have to admit this early meeting stuff is getting a little tiresome.  I haven't had the best sleep the last couple of nights & this week is filled with early morning stuff.  Just my luck.

These quarterly meets are fairly routine.  They take my vitals & weight.  Then we go over how I'm feeling & the meds I'm on currently.  The whole thing lasted less than 10 minutes.

I understand the point of the matter, but nearly everything he did could've been handled over the phone.  I hate it when some bureaucrat gets a hair up their ass & starts making rules that interfere with my life.   This isn't helping me any & it's costing more for all the extra appointments.  Idiot legislators.


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Month's Beginning...

This morning was a little rushed.  We had to get around & run some errands, mostly bill paying.  We'll finish paying the household bills for the month today.  That leaves very little in the kitty, but at least the bills are covered.  

The morning was going to be a bit hurried anyway, but other stuff just had to add on to it.   Mainly the internet.  As usual, it doesn't work properly. It ran for crap yesterday & we were told it was an area issue.  Of course it was, it's almost always an area wide issue.  This morning however, I wake up to find a cable man at my door doing a trouble call.  That was just great except the problem had already been resolved.  No one will ever accuse Suddenlink workers of being smart.

Just getting things back on track for today.  Tomorrow's my doctors appointment.  We now have to meet every 3 months regardless in order for me to keep getting my meds.  I wish we could just do this basic BS over the phone.  I hate going to the doctor's office.  Until tomorrow.


Monday, December 3, 2012


It's the 3rd of December & I've failed to acknowledge a few things.  Let's start with November.  So long until next year, you were a pretty good month for us this year.  The holiday went well & the weather was nice.  Now, we're into December & the holidays continue.  We have 3 weeks until my roomie's birthday & the following day is Christmas.  

Just 28 days from now, 2012 will be no more.  Overall, 2012 has been much nicer to my household than 2011.  Here's hoping 2013 will continue the upward momentum.

Yesterday was my 700th post on this blog.  I'm mostly keeping up on my exercise & watching how I eat.  I have a doctor's appointment Wednesday & 1 with the dentist on Thursday.  It's looking like December is going to be a busy month.

So, good bye for now November, hello December,  Hopefully the rest of 2012 will be grand & 2013 will be even better.  Looking forward to the next 100 posts.


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Weird Damn Weather...

Last week I had to leave the water dripping over night so the pipes wouldn't freeze.  Yesterday, it was almost 80 F here.  The wind was howling though the now open windows.   I had closed down the house & had the stove on a few days.  But now we're looking at another almost 80 degree day.  What gives?

What gives, is my sinuses.  This Katy Perry weather is being hell on me.  I slept like crap last night because of the heat & humidity.  We've had to turn fans on today to move the humid air.  At least I managed to get my steps done this afternoon, but my morning was shot.

80 F in Oklahoma in December should not be happening.


Saturday, December 1, 2012

World AIDS Day...

Today is World AIDS Day, you can find out more about it here.  Since 1988, December 1st have been denoted as World AIDS Day.  A time to look at & address the concerns surrounding this illness.  The themes have changed over the years; communication, action & getting to zero.   

This year's theme, as well as last years, is just that, "Getting To Zero."  You can go to WorldAidsDay.Org to learn more about what's going on today.

To me this is a reminder of where we were, where we're at & hopefully where we're going with HIV.  


Friday, November 30, 2012

Annoying AM...

Went to bed last night just wanting to get a good night's sleep.   What I got was a lot of neighbor noise for a while. Then about 5:30 there was a massive cat fight (actual kitties) outside.  That was an off & on again bout for about 20 minutes.  Then when I'm just about asleep again, the carbon monoxide/smoke alarm starts chirping. 

Mind you, it's dark & I'm mostly asleep, so the 1st couple of ear-blitzing chirps weren't really recognized.  Finally, I drag my butt out of bed & have to get a step stool to get to the damn alarm.  I'm thinking it needs  its batteries changed.  I replaced them & as I was going to return the alarm to its roost, it starts chirping again.  

I turn the thing over & read that a chirp every 30 seconds doesn't mean the batteries are dying.  It means the alarm, itself, is dying.  I sat the thing down & went back to bed.

I get up.  Its a shopping morning, but I did manage to get my morning crunch routine done.  Then the internet starts giving me hell.  I'm having to load every page like 3 times just to get it to work properly.  I wind up leaving later than I wanted to go shopping.

I get there & find out that the alarm is like $35.  WTF?  Smoke alarms are like $10, but add on the carbon monoxide & you get a huge jump.  I leave it, thinking I'll go price these things online.  

I get home & unload groceries.  Then I hear a crash in the kitchen.  A back off of a chair broke & dumped my roomie on the floor.  Luckily, it looks like she's just banged up & no major problems.   Then we see the bills have come.  I also find out the Wally World price on the alarm is about par for the course.  

Out we go again.  I pay the utilities bills, buy the alarm & head home.  By this time, it's nearly 11:00.  We're both tired, hungry & just want to be home.  We picked up Chinese on the way from a new place. It was OK.  The soup was really good.

Over all my morning has sort of sucked.  I've replaced the alarm. I've taken my shower & I'm going to look at my online stuff & that is all for today.


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Continued Modifications...

Both my roomie & I are exercising.  Her perhaps more regularly than me these last weeks.  The thing we're both noticing during this endeavor is the continual need for modification.  We're both constantly tweaking our  routines.  To make them have more impact or simply to get them to fit into our day better.  

I've recently been having issues with my morning steps again.  The light is still a problem for me waking up.  It'll get better once the days start lengthening out again.  For now, I've decided to move my main steps to the midday & move my midday crunches & the like to the morning.  My butt is on the floor when I'm doing crunches.   No need to worry about tripping off of a step that way because I'm still half asleep.

The point is simple, most everything in our lives is a work in progress.  It'll need to be reevaluated & changed  periodically.  Regarding to a physical routine, some exercises may be abandoned altogether & others introduced.  

It doesn't mean you've done anything wrong or that you're failing.  It means you've recognized something isn't working or working as well as it should for you.  You acknowledged the problem & took a proactive stance in correcting it.  Life is about evolution through adaptation, practice & endeavor.  If you want to get nowhere, do nothing.


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Young Americans...

No, not the song, according to this article, some Americans are just not getting about HIV & their transmission rates are rising.  These people are between 13 -24 & just don't get it for some reason.

These people aren't only not paying attention to info on HIV, they're not getting tested.  Their chances of having HIV are higher & the odds of them knowing they're + are lower.  

The same fringe arguments can be presented here.  The further away from the mainstream, the more apt these kids are to catch HIV.  These are people that just don't know & may not care whether or not they have HIV.  They either think their lives are too screwed up to care about or that current medical treatments will make everything just hunky dory.  

This is just another reason why treatment alone is not a good answer.  Education is still a vital part in fighting HIV.  These young people are ignorant of their situation & this virus.   Education must be part of the war on HIV.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Testing For Reasons....

Even though the CDC suggested routine HIV testing since 2006, the idea didn't really fly until now.  According to this article there are a couple of significant reasons behind that.  $ & criteria nearly halted the move for commonplace testing.

Until the US Preventative Services Task Force upped the score of HIV testing to an "A" (whatever that means), doctors found it difficult or impossible to get reimbursed for screening their patients.  There was also the idea of who was at high-risk.  It's become apparent health providers & patients are remarkably bad gauges of person's risk value.

The Task Force's new recognition of HIV screening & applying it to everyone makes it much more likely people will be tested.  This won't leave it up to people to fathom what their risk levels are.  It won't leave physicians wondering whether or not they'll be paid for screening.

It's just damned disgusting that it took this long for a health agency to make it so HIV testing was more available to everyone.  This should've been done during the 1990's, not a decade or 2 later. At least it's moving forward now.  This could have amazing impact.


Monday, November 26, 2012

A Non-Manic Monday...

Today's been good so far.  Since I opted to shop later in the week, I didn't need to go the store this morning. That was nice.  I slept well, got up, did exercise & got around.  No muss, no fuss.  It's really good to have days when most of your need-to-be-done's are over before noon.   There's still more stuff to be done in the day, but nothing that has to be done at this very moment.

Too many people don't know how to allow themselves to have actual down time.  Or haven't figured out how to fit it in their schedule.  Downtime is a necessary thing for destressing.  It allows you to unwind & recharge.  I'm fond of the days when we have little to do & aren't feeling like we should be doing something. Days like this are really good for my health.  I get rested & my head cleared.  There'll be time for cluttered thoughts & stress tomorrow.


Sunday, November 25, 2012

Just Another Day...

Not much going on today.  I've been dealing with sinus issues for a bit.  I should've taken ibuprofen thi morning but for some reason I didn't.  This shifting weather from chilly to warm is being a problem.  It isn't so much the temperature, as the humidity levels & pressure fronts.  Not to mention all this shifting weather is being pushed by changing winds.  The wind has been going for days now, blowing debris.

I keep waking up dehydrated & stuffy.  I drink everything I can when I get up in the morning just to feel human.  For a while I feel like a dried out  sponge with sinus issues. It doesn't make exercise easy by any means.  It's problematic for my sense of balance & it makes me prone to throbbing, head rushes if I lower my head.  As the weather chills this will settle down, but for now this is no fun.  


Saturday, November 24, 2012

Postponed Shopping Day...

I normally go shopping on Fridays so I can avoid crowds & children.   However, yesterday was Black Friday, so I opted to go today.  It was still very busy & filled with a lot of other people who didn't go shopping yesterday.   

A lot of them were doing there regular shopping.  Some were still searching for deals & stalling lines down the aisles.  Others were obviously not the primary shoppers in their family.  Shopping is for pro's, amateurs please stay home or at least remember which side of the aisle to stay on.

Past the crowds.  Past the inconvenience of Wal-Mart.  Even past the children.  I have a major problem with rude shoppers & there were plenty of them today.  Please remember, most of us don't want to be there anymore than you do, so be nice or go the hell home.

I'm a good shopper, but I don't like it.  I hate the erratic nature of the stores around me.  I can't stand the rudeness of the people who think they're the only ones in the world shopping.  I really can't stand people's screaming children.  Let's just say that shopping is not good for my nerves. At least it's over for now.


Friday, November 23, 2012

The Day After...

Thanksgiving has come & gone.  Today there are a lot of people busy with Black Friday.  Some are shopping.   Some are working.  Others are griping that buyers are consuming.  Others gripe that workers are laboring.  

The thanks didn't last long.  Some points on Black Friday.  The idea has been around for decades.  Many people have to work on this day & the days surrounding it.  Working on holidays is nothing new.  The sales on Black Friday may the only way some people make it through the holidays, consumers & businesses alike.   Finally, at least those people who are complaining about having to work on Black Friday actually have a job.

We have formally entered the Winter holiday season, whatever that may be for you.  Santa arrived at the end of the Thanksgiving Parade & now the mad dash is on to get the presents bought, the tree up & holiday memories made.  

This all sounds like a lot of rather unpleasant work.  I think I'd rather just stick to Thanksgiving & the turkey or even go back to Halloween & the jack o'lanterns.   Holidays shouldn't be this much fuss.  If you get stressed out over of the event, then how are you supposed to enjoy it?  Luckily, my roomie & I keep our holiday plans simple.  We'll probably have a very similar repeat of the Thanksgiving routine on Christmas & go see the Hobbit movie when it hits the theaters.  

Best wishes for your Black Friday & the holiday season.


Thursday, November 22, 2012

Another One...

This article is taking the push for screening even further than the last 1.  The U.S. Preventative Task Force is moving for HIV testing to become an annual event, part of the most common aspects of a check-up. 

As the article notes, it only takes 1 infected person to spread the virus.  People who don't know they're + are far more apt to transmit the illness.  Even if you can account for every aspect of your behavior, you can't for you partners'.  

A + diagnosis is no longer a death sentence.  It will most certainly change your life, but it doesn't mean certain demise.   With all the access to testing these days there is no reason not get tested.  You can know your status & take steps to either remain virus-free or keep from promoting the illness any further.


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Pre T-Day...

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving (US). There is a fair amount to cook, but not too much.  I'll get some done today,  so my roomie can take it tomorrow to her family's get together.  We've got the trash out, laundry done & possibly will get to some dishes later.  That'll leave only cooking & getting around tomorrow.  

I think you should stop from time to time & realize what you have in your life.  Take stock of the good & the bad.  Be thankful for the good & acknowledge it.  Do your best to limit or get rid of the bad.   There are things in my life right I'm not overly fond of, but I realize things could be far worse.

For those of you celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow, I hope you have a great celebration.  For everyone else, have a great Thursday.  


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Get Tested...

This article & many others online today are discussing the push for people 15 - 65 to get tested for HIV at least once.  This would make more people aware of their status & aid in getting treatment for those infected. It would also help limit further transmission of the virus.  

The push is due to people's inability to accurately gauge their own risk levels regarding HIV.  They certainly can't speak for those of their partners.  The idea of a single test is for those not involved with any risk behaviors or women who are pregnant.  People who are engaging in risky behaviors &/or could be pregnant should get tested more often.

Medical professionals would like for HIV testing to become as common as checking cholesterol levels.  Depending on your health & the medications your on, you could check your cholesterol annually of every 5 years.   The point is to make this screening as standard as breast exams & routine blood work.  

The short of it is easy;  get tested, know your status, get treatment if needed.


Monday, November 19, 2012

+ Navy...

This article discusses how a new policy in the Navy & US Marines will allow HIV + corps members to serve on foreign soil & on some ships.  This is the 1st big change in the how these corps handle + people since the 1980's.  Before this, most people would be fortunate if they were allowed to serve at all once being diagnosed as +.   If these people weren't immediately removed from service, they were not allowed on ships or foreign soil.

The new terms do require regular medical reviews & treatment.  That would be a given to remain healthy anyway.  This is a huge step forward for the Navy.  I agree with the decision, but I must say I'm a little surprised it came about.  This is a military that just recently allowed gay people to openly serve.  Allowing  + people to serve in this manner is acknowledging the changing reality of HIV.  I wonder if the Army & Air Force do now or will have soon similar allowances made for HIV + people.  


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Frustration & Grogginess...

Suddenlink struck again last night & it's still  not behaving well.  As if my internet ever behaves well.  It went out a little after 8 last night & wasn't back on before I went to bed.  Admittedly, I was annoyed with the situation & opted just to go to bed instead of waiting for the possibility the net might return.  

There is such a thing as too much sleep & I got it last night.  I went to bed irritated with the internet & woke up very groggy & fuzzy.  It was a definite shift in my schedule.  I wound up not exercising this morning.  I was just a little too out of it to trust myself doing steps.  

I get upset when things interfere with my schedule.   Especially things that I pay for, like my net service.  It should just work.  I hate talking to those idiots at Suddenlink.  1st you get some generalized grunt who knows nothing, but still wastes 15 minutes of your time before sending you up the ladder to a level 2 stooge.  The stooge puts you through some hoops but really doesn't know any more than a monkey with a script.  Finally, you get sent all the way to the wizard or least an assistant.  At level 3, they finally deign to tell you that there's an outage in your area & they're working on it as fast as they can.  There went an hour of your life & a little bit of your soul sucked through the phone.

Hopefully, today will be better.


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Undesired Change...

My roomie is dealing with a change in her routine.  An online service she frequents has announced it will be closing it's virtual doors.  This was something she used often & meant a lot to her.  To the best of our knowledge there isn't anything else out there like it.  Understandably, she's upset.

When you're a person living via restricted means for whatever reason, having order in your life is very important.  It lets you feel like there's some rhyme & reason in your life.  Once that order is threatened, you begin to feel like a leaf in a tornado.  

We're both on disability & not at the peak of health.   Our options & access is greatly limited.  When we do find something that suits our needs, it's a huge boon.  When something takes 1 of them away it's a very bad thing for us that easily ripples through our lives.  Sure, we'll get through it, but for a time it's very depressing.  

When you're ill, you have to make the best of things & anything that doesn't go along with that is a detriment.    Being on disability is both a blessing & an issue.  It allows for enough to stay afloat, but just barely.  Any change that happens in our lives winds up impacting every other part.  

Soon, this service will be gone & she'll be left without a suitable replacement.  This wasn't a change she expected, nor requested.  It was situation created by things beyond her control. When things like this happen in our lives, it's very important to accept what this meant to us & how it will impact us.  Recognition & acknowledgement are greatly important in our lives.  Even if it is to an online service.  


Friday, November 16, 2012

Shifting Seasonal Concerns...

We're getting into the cooler part of the year.  Fall's nice warm days are growing brisk.  I haven't been taking my allergy meds for a while, but I'm having sniffles & sinus issues all the same.  Different seasons bring different health issues.  

I'm having to use lip balm now & lotion heavily after my showers to keep from drying out & chaffing.  I'm going to have to make sure my feet stay warm, so I don't develop any chillblains.   My dry skin is prone to developing eczema patches.  There cough fits when I exercise or after I come in from the cold.  

Luckily the light levels have changed after the end of Day Light Saving time.  This has made a huge improvement to my mornings.  Now, I just don't want to get out of bed because it's chilly. 

The point here is, every season has it's quirks for your health.  You need to be aware of them & do your best to avoid them or at least deal with them as soon as possible.  This is especially true if you're someone with a chronic illness.  

Here's hoping to a good Winter.


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Short Post...

OK, another short post, but this 1 is Suddenlink's fault again.  We're having crappy connection issues yet again.  They made an appointment with a 4 hour window.  I'm not sure when they'll show up.  Hopefully this gets fixed, but I doubt it.


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wednesdays Back...

I've already said Wednesdays can be especially busy for me.  There's things I need to catch with on TV, online, household stuff, bath, exercise, trash & more.  Recently I've decided to edit my to-do list for the day so I'm not so overwhelmed.  None of it was hard, it was just taking too much time to get through it all. 

Today's gone's fairly smoothly.  I've gotten through a lot of what I needed to do already.  I've still have some slightly larger dishes to cook.  

It's sort of amazing, we're only 8 days from thanksgiving (US) &  40 until Christmas.  There are only 47 days left in 2012.  That gives me just 50 days until this blog turns 3 years old. Time certainly is flying this year. 


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Busy Day...

'Today was the 1st serious cold snap day for us.  It's been chilly, but there hadn't been ice in the outdoor cat water bowl until today.  We'll probably hit 60 F, but this morning was a wee bit nippy.

It's been a bit of a busy day.  I got my exercise done .  Then my roomie's appointment got cancelled, so we opted to drive over to Fort Smith.  It was a fairly successful trip, no major traffic issues.   We managed to get most, if not all, the holiday shopping.  Now, there's just wrapping & cards to send.  I still have to get a couple of last minute things for Thanksgiving & then my holiday spending will be done.  Woohoo.

I have a policy for buying gifts for people I'm not that involved with on a day to day basis.  Most people have way to much stuff in their homes & don't really want anymore junk taking up space. So, I tend to buy temporary things.  I buy seasonal candies, project toys, bath items or specialty food stuffs.  All things that are useful (or at least delicious) & soon to be gone.

Don't think you're being cheap if you buy these things.  Most people won't buy themselves the specialty goods they enjoy, so it's something you're fairly certain they won't have on hand.  Even if they do, who doesn't want more candy?   If they really hate it, they can always regift it.  I especially like project toys/crafts & cheap dollar toys for kids.  They'll probably get a bunch of bigger stuff, but these cheap things let them just play & if it breaks, so what?  It was only a buck or so.

I've got other stuff to get done, so I'll write more tomorrow.


Monday, November 12, 2012

So Much For That Storm...

I kept it brief yesterday because we were supposed to have some huge storms.  Other people in my area might have, but all we got was a fair amount of wind & about 1/4" of rain. Oh, it huffed & puffed, but it failed to deliver much moisture.  

The best thing about yesterday was that it made it a bit cooler & darker.  I went to bed fairly early & got rested up.  Even though shopping was annoying today, it wasn't that bad because I was well rested.  I don't know why so many adults refuse to see the importance of getting good sleep.  When we don't, most of us end up acting like little cranky children.  

The best thing about sleep for me is that it's a good destressor.  If I hadn't gotten as much rest as I had last night the shopping trip to Wal-Mart would've seriously aggravated me.  Sleep, it's a good thing.


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sky Grumbling...

I'm not sure how well my net will stay connected today.  It looks like we may be in for quite a storm here.  It's the 1st of the season.  There are major warnings everywhere from thunderstorms to tornadoes.   When I was a kid tornadoes were mostly a spring thing.  Now, they're whenever, wherever.  Strange.  I'm sure it has nothing to do with global warning.  Snark.

I hope it rains some.  Everything's been dry for far to long here & we're still have fire warnings.  I'd appreciate it if the pressure from the storm system would move on.  It's been intense & giving me headaches.   

I'm going to wrap this up before my net drops out.


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Born That Way...

This article isn't about a GaGa song.  It's about kids born with HIV.  It states 20% of those children born with HIV are unaware of their status at the time of their 1st sexual encounter.  Of those aware, many reported not telling their partner of their status at the time of the experience.  Nor did most of them employ condoms.  

For those unaware of their status, the parents/guardians are at fault.  However, for those that knew, they are at least partly to blame.  It's obvious there was a failure somewhere to teach these kids their responsibility not to infect others.  The problem here is these kids act like other kids.  They don't want to use condoms.  They don't want to risk alienation by telling their partners they're +.

Too many people are treating these young people with the proverbial kid gloves.  They're so worried about the mental health of these kids, they're not conveying the importance of taking their meds, discourse & safer sexual practices.  In many places what these teens are doing is considered criminal & punishable.  These + kids are assaulting their partners.  Their behavior is fraudulent. 

Their partners bear some responsibility as well for not insisting on condoms.  However, the parents & other adults around these kids have to be held responsible for failing to not inform these kids not only of their status, but of the health risk they pose to others.  If past that point, these teens still choice to have sex with others without informing them of their status or using condoms, then in my opinion, their behavior is criminal.


Friday, November 9, 2012

50, Straight & +...

This British article states for the 1st time in the history of HIV, that heterosexuals are the leading population being diagnosed +.   

And this year for the first time, 70% of new cases were caught through heterosexual sex with 30% involving over 50's, mainly men.
There is still this idea HIV is the gay plague.  That it's something young people catch.  These 50 year old men still think they have no need to engage in safer sexual practices.  

Between this statistic & the sheer aging of the + population, HIV is rapidly becoming a serious geriatric issue.  Between ignorance, stigma & fear many people just don't know or even want to know if they are +.  England is not free of HIV stigma.  Many + people report discrimination & assaults due to their status being known.  

I have to say I don't personally have much patience with this 50+ crowd.  They were in their 20's when HIV really hit the scene.  They've had 30+ years to get with the program & they have chosen not to for whatever reason.  Due to that choice many of them are now finding themselves +.  

We ask kids to take better care of themselves & to be careful in whatever they do.  Why should they?  Why would they bother when they see their parents & grandparents being even riskier than they are?  If we want HIV stopped, everyone has to step up & be responsible.  It's well past time to learn about HIV & how to prevent it.


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Silver Bullet...

This article talks about a new approach to condoms.  It may not be a bullet, but it is silver.  They are talking about adding silver nanoparticles to condoms to fight against HIV & Herpes.  Currently there is a failure with  condoms preventing HIV, just as with pregnancy.  That's why they started using additives like Nonoxynol-9.  The additive was supposed to be a spermicide with the added benefit of fighting STD's.  It didn't exactly go as planned.  Not only is Nonoxynol-9 not good at preventing HIV, it can cause swelling & lesions in the genitals.  So, it can actually increase the likelihood of transmitting HIV.

The idea here is these nanoparticles of silver can somehow inhibit the spread of these STD's.  The article wasn't clear on the how of the matter.  The only thing I can say is that is bound to raise the price of condoms.  Still, any break through is a worth noting.


Wednesday, November 7, 2012


This article talks about HIV in India & how that particular strain is evolving.   These sites talk about about strains & subtypes. (1, 2)   There's a lot of info on these sites about HIV & it's various forms.    The point of the original article is that HIV is adapting.   It's changing to better do what it does: replicate & spread.  

They've spotted at least 3 new strains.  This is immense.  The newer strains are better at promoting copies of themselves within the body.  We've allowed HIV to continue for so long that it has had enough time to adapt & become more deadly.  The longer HIV has to spread & the more environmental factors it's exposed to, the more it will evolve.

This could be a huge potential threat to disease management.  Any of these mutations could result in the virus becoming more or totally resistant to current medical regimens.  This is all the more reason to support education, prevention, testing & treatment.  It's the only way to stop HIV.


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Almost Done...

There aren't many articles today, except those dealing with the election (USA).  I'm avoiding that topic for a bit.  Quite frankly, I'm sick of hearing about it.  I'll know who won tomorrow.  I'm not sure how much of difference it'll make no matter which one wins .  The current one made too many promises he couldn't keep & bit off more than he could chew.  The would-be one gives me the creeps, same for his creepy little sidekick.  I think it's all that preacher hair.   

Do I choose the disappointing one or the one I find creepy & untrustable?  Tomorrow will know who won & we'll start to see how things are going to lay out for a while.  Until then, I hope you all have a great day.


Monday, November 5, 2012

Another Day...

It's within reach, tomorrow is election day in the USA.  The major hyping will be over.   There will still be plenty of hoopla about the matter, but maybe the electoral BS will go away.  I hate this time.  You can't trust anyone.  A lot of people get very fowl during this process.  Candidates make promises no one could keep.  

There's a lot at stake here, but I'm not sure who will really do what.  I'll just be glad when it's done.  I'm sick of the BS on Facebook.  The abundance of emails & unsolicited phone calls.  I'm to the point that I think people should vote for the person who bothered them the least.  The one who's party made the least unwanted calls, sent the least amount of junk mail/spam or the party that made the fewest asinine comments about the issues.

Oh well, by Wednesday morning we'll know who was elected.   Then both sides can scream foul.  Just think, in a measly 30 months or so, the whole nasty process will start all over again.  Joy.


Sunday, November 4, 2012

It Arrived...

The 1st morning of no Daylight Saving Time crap was today & it was wonderful.  It was the 1st time in quite a while I woke up feeling rested & alert.  I got my extra hour of sleep.  The sunshine came peeping through my window at a decent time & let me acclimate to the morning.  My awakening this morning was slow & peaceful, instead quick & jarring as it has been for the past few weeks.

It's midday & I've gotten through most my exercise.  I haven't been rushed.  So far the day has gone very smoothly.  For this I am very grateful.  We had to worm the cats this morning.  I wasn't expecting to have to do this.  Any day last week, this would've frustrated me & the process would've left me very irritated.  Today, a well rested roomie & me grabbed the cats, dosed them & went on with our mornings, no big deal.

There might have been articles today, but I didn't look.  I wanted to write about how amazingly different I feel today in comparison to yesterday.  Morning light does wonders for me.  I can't believe I'm the one saying that.  I'm not a morning person.  However, if I have to get up, then I really do need the process to be slow & well lit.

For all of those of you who have to deal with Daylight Saving Time, I hope you're all enjoying the extra hour & morning light.


Saturday, November 3, 2012

Tonight's The Night...

I know I've been going on about this, but tonight is the night the clocks fall back an hour.  I'm not so much interested in the hour, itself, but the morning light it'll offer.  This last week has been really hard on me in the mornings.  I haven't gotten much done & I've been dragging.  

My internal clock needs that morning light to start the wake up process.  It's probably going to take a few days to get past the lag I'm in right now.  This morning was the worst of it.  I just did stretches this morning. I woke up feeling out of it & like I had a hang over.  This hopefully will lessen as the light changes.

None of this would be a problem if I didn't have meds that demanded to be taken at certain times & with or without food.  I get up when I do so I can take 2 meds that need to be taken on an empty stomach.  Then I have to wait an hour before I can eat.  Even if I get up when I want, get around & take my meds, by the time I get breakfast ready it's somewhere around 9:30 or a little later.  I don't want to have to push things by getting up earlier.  

We'll see what tomorrow's like.


Friday, November 2, 2012

The Month of Thanks...

Thanksgiving (USA) is coming up soon.  It's one of the few independently made-up holidays I don't mind.  I think a lot of people, including myself, need an occasional reminder to be thankful for what we have.  Here are a few  things I'm grateful for at the moment.

  • Daylight Saving Time ends Sunday
  • Election crap is drawing to an end
  • Autumn's being a nice season
  • Our electric bill went down a bit  
Those are just a few things.  I think it's wise to be thankful for the little things in life.  Sometimes they're all you have.


Thursday, November 1, 2012


This article is about a Canadian man found guilty of attempted murder for knowingly exposing his partners to HIV without their knowledge.   He didn't give them a chance to make an informed decision on whether or not to have sex a + person.  I'm not saying he was totally responsible, they choose to engage in risky sexual activity.  Still, he knew he was + & that makes him responsible for not willingly infecting others.

A lot of HIV activists oppose this type of judicial decision. I understand they're afraid this is a slippery slope & people could be charged for simply being + & not getting tested.  However, this man knowingly infected people.  He's an HIV + man not a brain-craving zombie.  He had reason & knew better, but still his desire to have sex superseded his partners' safety.

As the article points out, there are much better meds & treatments today.  So HIV is not usually the near automatic death sentence it used to be.  However, it's still far from living a normal life, you are dependent on meds & people do still die of HIV.  They compared this to being shot.  We have much better medical means to handle someone with a gunshot wound than a century ago, but you still got shot. 

This man may not have killed his partners.  However, their lives have been irrevocably altered.  These people will face difficulties & challenges they never would have faced if they weren't +.  

In my opinion, when a person knowingly infects someone with a deadly virus, rapes someone, or physical traumatizes them, that person has killed part of their victim.  This other person may still have a pulse, but they will never be the person they were before the event ever again.  I find that as bad & in some case worse, than attempted murder.

I do get why activists against criminalization are worried, but on this matter I disagree.  This man destroyed these people's lives so he could have sex.  His utter disregard for them makes him a diseased beast & in my book you shoot rabid dogs.  This man should be put down, before he infects more people in prison or gets out & starts all over again.


Wednesday, October 31, 2012


It's Halloween & the end of October.  October was a pretty good month this year.  I'm going to be a little busy today, so not much of a post today.  The Great Pumpkin is on tonight & we'll be watching it.  Whatever you call it;  Samhain, All Souls Eve or Halloween, have a great one.  


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Baton Rogue...

According to this article, Baton Rogue had the HIV highest transmission rates, not the most cases, but still.   New Orleans placed at 5th in the nation.  Not something you want your city or state known for.  

I can't say that I'm shocked.  These areas have been economically hard hit since Hurricane Katrina.  They have a large minority population & a known issue with every factor that contributes to HIV transmission; lack of HIV education/prevention, high incidence of drug use & a high rate of poverty.  

I've listed these fringe factors before.  Louisiana has a huge number of marginalized people.  Case after case has shown these people to be more prone to being in situations that lead to HIV.   This isn't just about people living in the southern USA.  It's about people living in isolation, being marginalized & disenfranchised.  

Until we get everyone involved with the fight against HIV, this virus isn't going anywhere.  We can't be satisfied that the mainstream, white, middle class, straight person got the info.  Everyone must be included & involved.  I see an article like this at least a couple of times a month.  People almost always react like it's something new.  It's not.  How much longer before we realize this disease doesn't care who it infects, so we can't care who we treat.  Everyone must be educated, tested & if need be treated.


Monday, October 29, 2012

New Test...

This article talks about a new test using nanotechnology that can provide better diagnosis of not just HIV, but some cancers such as prostate.  The test is supposed to be exceptionally easy to use & more cost effective.  This would allow a wider use of the procedure & make it more readily available in resource strapped areas.  They mention this application might be useful in detecting other illnesses as well.  

If this works it could provide a needed push in testing.  The ease & cost factor will be huge.   The test is more sensitive.  I wonder how long it will be before this available on the market?  


Sunday, October 28, 2012

Someone Else's Story...

I'm not really blogging today, just relating.  This article on a family's journey with HIV is powerful & poignant. Through all my experience with HIV, I've been grateful I don't have children.  Read the article.  I don't think I'd have the strength the father did or possibly the kids. This is just another example of how much worse things could've been.
