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Friday, December 14, 2012

Things Change, But Not Memories...

This article is a must read.  It isn't "medical", but it's relevant.  It's about an older sister trying to adjust to the fact her younger brother is +.   He's 12 years younger than her & has an entirely different view of HIV.  No matter how optimistic he is, she still sees those friends she lost before.

HIV has been here for sometime.  For a teen of the 1980's, it was a scare-fest.  I watched people drop like flies on a cold day.  I watch others blaze out in rock-n-roll fashion with as much booze, coke & X as they could down.    I saw others try to be the "good" patient , only to fade out slower & more miserably. 

For all you younger ones, HIV may no longer be a death sentence, but in some our minds it's still a late  night, horror show, more frightful than any zombie flick.  I'm happy for you that will never see the nastiness that HIV brought to some.  It'll be wonderful when there's no longer such a thing as HIV.  It may not kill you like it used to, but it's still deadly.

I hope you read this article.  I think she gets it down better than I have.  Then again, I am the one who's +.



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