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Friday, December 28, 2012

Good Journey My Alice...

Yesterday, midway past 5 in the afternoon, my cat Alice was finally at peace with the world.    We took her back to the vet.  He told us her kidneys were failing.  Throughout the day her condition had grown worse.  She wasn't eating or drinking much.  She lost control & urinated on my roomie.  She was confused & couldn't regulate her temperature.   I'm not sure she was even seeing us while we held her.  

We held her from noon until it was over.  I really hope I never forget her face.  She was my cat.  We have others, but I was Alice's person.  It seems I have an unasked for gift of attracting cats with strong personalities that aren't long for this world.  I'm happy to help them, but these final trips to the vet are hard.  Still, if you bring an animal into your life, it's your responsibility to day whatever is necessary to make sure that animal's life is as comfortable as possible.  That includes making the decision to take her to the vet a final time.

I'm not much for sentiment, but here's a poem a lot of people find comfort in, The Rainbow Bridge.

Alice, you will be greatly missed... May your next life be so much grander than this & may you have a far better home than I could offer with all the love & acceptance you deserved.


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