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Monday, December 31, 2012

Off To The Dentist & Happy New Year...

I'm going to the dentist today to get the 2nd part of a crown replacement.  That leaves me with just 2 more old tin-can types to get rid of over the next year or so, as I can afford them.  It's going to be a dreary ride over to Fort Smith.  It's been over cast for days & the dismal weather has been drizzling all morning.  This isn't good for my health or the happiness of my cats.

This is the last day of 2012.  So here are some things I'm thankful for.

  • The weather of 2012 was nicer than 2011
  • I'm in a decent place for most parts
  • I'm thankful for the time I had with Alice Cat
  • I'm thankful for being able to get into exercise
  • I'm thankful for this blog letting me occasionally rant
Those are some of the things I'm thankful this year.  What about you?


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