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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Closing In On 13...

There are just 20 days left until New Years.  Just 3 days past that I'll face my 13th HIV-Day.  It's sort of like a birthday, but not  Almost 13 years ago, I spent a very bad day (& I do mean all damn day) in an hospital emergency room.  Finally many hours later I was informed that I was +.  There was absolutely no ritual or ceremony or concern.  Just, "Oh by the way you have HIV."  It was not a good day.

I'd been sick for quite some time before that.  I'd been tested, but nothing came back + until that day.  I have no idea why.  I'm fairly sure I was starting to have some symptoms at least a year before, possibly 2.  After the diagnosis, there was a search for a doctor that would see me.  I had no $ & no insurance.  Finally, we found a place that was supposed to be a free or at least cost reduced clinic.  That part didn't hold out & I encountered possibly the worse doctor of my life.   She wound up being the one, who's inattention got me sent to the hospital.  I got past that & got on new meds.  Eventually I received notice I had qualified for disability. 

My life has changed in a lot of ways since then.  I've talked a lot about those things in this blog.  I've moved twice, lost a cat & gained others.  My roommate at the time ran for the hills with the "love of his life" (bluck). My current roomie & I have both faced hard times in the last decade, but things seem to be getting better.  That's all on this for now.


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