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Saturday, December 15, 2012


OK, my head's a little out of it today.  We're supposed to hit 70 F today & my body feels like a wreck with all this up & down weather crap.  We had some rain & now we're on a warming trend for a bit.  Every time I get used to the Winter cold, it gets warm again.  It's playing hell with my sinuses.  The cats aren't handling much better.

I am altering my exercise again.  I've been moving more of my routine indoors due to the cold.  I'd like to do more upper body floor exercises, but my floor is hard & the carpet is like sandpaper.  I keep tearing up my elbows & knees.   In order to be able to do this other bit of exercise I've purchased an exercise ball.

My roomie has 1 & uses it frequently.  She seems happy with hers, so I decided to try it out.  I'm looking online at people's routines with the ball.  I'll figure out what I want to incorporate eventually.

Well, I still have things to do, so I'll write more later.


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