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Sunday, December 16, 2012

UK +...

This article is about a group British women coming to terms with being + when they didn't even consider themselves at risk.  It's an interesting read.  In the UK more & more heterosexual women are finding themselves +.   Even though the information has been out there, they still thought of HIV as being something gays, Africans & drug users had to face, not them.

I don't think they were being arrogant or classist.  No, they were being dangerously ignorant of the reality of who is at risk.  The simplest answer to that is, everyone.  Everyone is at risk from HIV.

I seriously wonder how long it's going to take people to understand that this virus does not discriminate?   It doesn't matter what you moral leader or political pundit says, HIV is a health matter, not something conjured up by a witch or a vengeful god.

Hope you read the article.


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