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Thursday, May 16, 2024


I've blogged about this before, but here we are again.  Sometimes it gets difficult to find publications pertinent to this blog.  This was never easy.  I wanted to post about being a HIV+ Gay man living in rural Oklahoma.  Now, it's also about someone 50+.  

Now, unless it's about an ethnic/racial group, writing about Gay men is a non-starter.  Writing about anyone not appearing ethnic isn't high on the list either.  There's the occasional piece on aging with HIV, but that's usually to discuss comorbidities.  All the articles on HIV in the rural U.S. written in the last decade probably wouldn't fill a midweek newspaper, sales advert. 

I know, I'm ranting a little.  But with all this talk of inclusion in representation, they left something out.  For all this alleged contemporary inclusion, there's a lot of exclusion.  It seems I'm in all those things on the out list again.  Maybe people like Larry Kramer should've just stayed quiet & let this thing run it's course.


Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Mid Wednesday...


Nothing much is going on this middle Wednesday of May.  The only plans we have is to run an errand & handle the trash.  That's OK, we'll take a slow week.  

The weather's beginning to warm up.  The humidity is beginning to be an issue.  But, that's the time of the year.   Still, it makes my feet achy.  I have to keep note of that & not let it become a real issue.

That's all for now, take care.


Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Not Much Success Or Z's...


I haven't had the best sleep this last week.  I'll be fine if this settles soon.  I go through this sometimes.  It's never fun.

I've stated how I dislike when researchers promote their projects as done deals.  It can be hard for lay people to accept that these scientists are talking about the desired outcomes of their endeavors.  Often, those results don't materialize.

For some time, researchers have been touting CRISPR as a means of eliminating or at least controlling HIV.  Neither have proved accurate as it stands with the latest research.  This may happen some day, but not now or soon.  Presenting research in this manner is misleading & bordering on a con.  Every scientist knows there's always a significant risk of failure.  Presenting their case without noting the expected possibly of a bad outcome is preceding in bad faith.

Stop getting people's hopes up & just stick to the facts.  


Monday, May 13, 2024

Bad Options...


This was my last phone bill where I'll get a discount from the assistance program ACP.  No sense in going into detail about ACP since it's over.  The only point is it took $30 off my bill.  The government didn't refinance the program, so it ended.  

I'm on AT&T.  It's at the high end for mobile service.  However, it's the only company that keeps good signal & speed nearby.  Most of the time, we could probably deal with another company.  But, when the power or internet goes out, that service is all we have.  That's when the other companies lesser functionality would hurt us.  

I found another program, Lifeline.  I  qualified, then  found out  AT&T doesn't handle that discount in my state.  They gave me the option of looking at the lifeline page for providers in my area that did.  I hadn't heard of most of them.   I'd have to drop AT&T & go to some 2nd stringer or worse, some local mickey mouse operation.   Lifeline's discount is $9.25 a month.  I'm not sure less than $10 is worth the risk.

I'll talk to my roomie.  Time to get around for the day.  Take care.


Sunday, May 12, 2024

Warm, Wet & Dark...


It's been warm, overcast & wet.  That leads to something, bugs.  There's been a lot of flies, some wasps & other flying annoyances.   But, the worst of it is fleas.  Until it gets warmer & brighter, it's flea season.   With all the birds, squirrels, outdoor cats & other animals, controlling fleas is nearly impossible for a bit.  Once it gets brighter, warmer & dries out some, they'll die back.  For now, it's war.


Saturday, May 11, 2024

So Far Pleasant...


I get irritated with my life.  This morning has been bright & it's supposed to be a nice day weatherwise.  I don't trust it.  Maybe it's too nice, a set up.  So I'll lower my guard.  I dislike being this suspicious.  But when I'm not, things tend to go off the rails.  I'd rather be alert & have a good day, than be caught unaware as things fall apart.

I'd love to say I was being paranoid.  But life has taught me, it can't be trusted.

Take care.


Friday, May 10, 2024

Better, But...


I slept much better last night & it's a bright morning.  I'm still fairly spent though.  It's going to take a bit to recover.  Recovering from sleep loss isn't a single night thing.  

I think all we have to do today is shopping.  I'm pretty happy about that.  I'd do more if we needed to, but I think I'd for not if we don't.

That's it for now, take care.
