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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Solstice Time Is Here...

Solstice is here.  This will be the longest night of the year.   The sun rose around 7:20 & will fall about 5:10.  Great night if you're a vampire or Santa.   The rest of the week will be about the same, but from here out the days will lengthen & the sun will rise earlier.  

This really is beginning to mark the end of 2012.   Albeit there have been some less than fun points, over all it's been a fairly good year for us.  Not so much for some of our friends, though.   Still. I'm not hurrying 2012 out the door like I was 2011.

It's time to start thinking about plans for next year.  Will you make resolutions?  What will they be?  I'm thinking about reinvesting in those I made last year.  

This is a good time of the year to contemplate things.  I think the thing I like best about it is the Winter night sky, especially if it's a clear, moon lit night.


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