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Saturday, December 8, 2012


I was looking through articles today & kept coming across ones talking about how the stigma of HIV remains prevalent.   Duh!  There were articles from all over the world stating this obvious bit of truth, as if it was something that surprised them.  

Yes dear people, it may be almost 2013, but the world still holds onto the  stigma of AIDS & HIV.  All they had to do to find this out was talk to any + person out there.  For whatever reason, people like their stigmatized groups.  They want someone to blame, exile &  humiliate.

There are some in my area that know I'm +, but not that many.  I simply don't trust these people & quite frankly it isn't any of their business.  If I was ever in a place where I had to be employed again, it couldn't be around here.  I wouldn't even trust Fort Smith.  I'm not entirely sure how much I'd trust Tulsa.

Again, I say, "Duh!"  Only someone removed from the situation could ever be surprised that the stigma HIV is alive & well.  


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