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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

It's Christmas...

I hope everyone's holiday season is going well.  I'm not going to be posting much this time.  The weather is turning a bit nasty.  We could have anywhere from 0"'s to 9" of snow.  It's be raining off & on all night & the temperature is dropping.  Even if we don't get any snow, we'll have some frozen roads tomorrow.  I'm not a fan of the white stuff, because most people around these parts drive like idiots on ice & snow.  They don't think about black ice & needing to drive slower.   It's not going to surprise me if we have some outages in the area, internet or otherwise.  

On a good note, I'm feeling better.  Whatever was bothering me seems to have passed.  Now, I just have to nurse a cat to better health & the household seems like it will be on the mend.  

Again, the best of the season to everyone.


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