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Monday, December 10, 2012

Another Monday...

Another week begins & it has all the trappings of a Monday.  My morning wasn't that fun.  Some of my programs have been in perpetual update mode for the last few days & it's very annoying.   They always want to update when I'm right in the middle of something & usually don't give me a choice about when they start.  I thought I had Webroot under control, but apparently I don't.

We went shopping & it was just a thrill, sarcasm.  There is no reason for that many people to be there at the same time.  They usually aren't there at that time in the morning.  To add to all of it, the little car is back to it's seasonal testiness.  It doesn't like to start in the cold.

We're back to cold as far as the weather is concerned.  There was actually ice on the water I leave for the outdoor cats.   The winter berry bushes are stuffed with sparrows.  It may not look like Christmas, but it's getting cold.

I still have some stuff to do, so this will be all for today.   

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