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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Dr.'s Appointment....

Had my quarterly meeting with my primary care physician this morning.   Everything was on track & we made the next appointment for March.  I have to admit this early meeting stuff is getting a little tiresome.  I haven't had the best sleep the last couple of nights & this week is filled with early morning stuff.  Just my luck.

These quarterly meets are fairly routine.  They take my vitals & weight.  Then we go over how I'm feeling & the meds I'm on currently.  The whole thing lasted less than 10 minutes.

I understand the point of the matter, but nearly everything he did could've been handled over the phone.  I hate it when some bureaucrat gets a hair up their ass & starts making rules that interfere with my life.   This isn't helping me any & it's costing more for all the extra appointments.  Idiot legislators.


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