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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Up In Smoke...

This article talks about the effects smoking has on someone HIV +.  It shouldn't come as a surprise that smoking has an negative affect on + people.   Considering how many ailments associated with HIV are respiratory in nature.  

In this study of HIV patients who also smoked, they found that of the deaths during the study, 60% were associated with smoking & not HIV.  It showed a greatly reduced life expectancy as compared to a +, non-smoker.   Merely being a + smoker up the person's chances for stroke, heart disease & cancer greatly.

As a person who used to smoke, I can say that this may be 1 of the only positive things HIV brought into my life.  I quit smoking about 3 weeks before I was diagnosed.  I was just to sick to smoke.  I have not had a cigarette in the 21st century.  

If you're a smoker, you need to read this article.


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