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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Late Start & Stuff To Do...

It was cold & dark well past 7, so I retreated under my covers & barely woke up at 8.   I've wrote before about Wednesdays being my busy day.  This isn't all that busy, but I got off to a late start & I do have things around the house & the like to do.  

I don't have a lot to say today, but I will put this down.  I've been seeing far too much animosity lately about which holiday greeting to use.  Mostly it's been the Christmas crowd getting their panties in a bunch.   They scream about keeping their baby god in Christmas & how it should only be Merry Christmas, not Happy Holidays.  

For one thing, there are multiple holidays during this time of the year, so Happy Holidays is a appropriate.  The most important thing here is to remember when someone says; Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Seasons Greetings or whatever, they were trying to spread some cheer.  They acknowledged you existed & took a moment to be nice & try to spread some joy your way.  Don't be ass & make them regret their decision to be kind to you.  Be grateful that some one even took a second to recognize you exist.

What I want for this holiday season, is just for everyone to take a day & stop being a jerk.  Just one day, that's all, it won't kill you.  


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