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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Month's Beginning...

This morning was a little rushed.  We had to get around & run some errands, mostly bill paying.  We'll finish paying the household bills for the month today.  That leaves very little in the kitty, but at least the bills are covered.  

The morning was going to be a bit hurried anyway, but other stuff just had to add on to it.   Mainly the internet.  As usual, it doesn't work properly. It ran for crap yesterday & we were told it was an area issue.  Of course it was, it's almost always an area wide issue.  This morning however, I wake up to find a cable man at my door doing a trouble call.  That was just great except the problem had already been resolved.  No one will ever accuse Suddenlink workers of being smart.

Just getting things back on track for today.  Tomorrow's my doctors appointment.  We now have to meet every 3 months regardless in order for me to keep getting my meds.  I wish we could just do this basic BS over the phone.  I hate going to the doctor's office.  Until tomorrow.


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