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Friday, December 7, 2012

Early Morning Issues...

I'm back to the morning light issue again.  This morning sunrise wan't until 7:14 AM.  I prefer it when it's sometime before 7.  That gives me a bit to adjust to the awful idea of getting out of bed.  Now, if I want to get up about 7:40, then I have a little over 25 minutes.  At that point this A.M, .the sunlight was just a weak suggestion of morning light.  

The problem here is that it's beginning to really alter my sleep & my schedule.  It's throwing me into waking up at odd times & at small noises.   I can usually go back to sleep fairly easily, but not when it keeps happening for days on end.  

Then I start getting sleep anxiety for lack of a better description.  When I wake up like this, an hour or so before I'm ready to get up, something suddenly pops into my mind.  Doesn't matter what it is; it could be $, weather, the cats, health, etc...  

What does matter is that my mind grabs hold of it & won't let go.  The thing runs through my thoughts.  It gets twisted & turned & all sorts of things start to develop.  What if something breaks & we don't have the $ to fix it.  What if that noise I heard was a cat breaking something in the kitchen.  What if I forgot to pay that bill & so on.   Most of these things aren't any big deal & a lot things that come into my mind aren't even really likely.  But still, my thoughts are focused in on them.

Eventually, I get back to sleep, but not before before getting rattled for  minutes 30 or longer over these strange thoughts.  When I wake up, it's like nothing really ever happened, except I'm not well rested.    I've never been 1 to have nightmares.  But I can get some seriously wicked stress dreams.  The worse my sleep is, the worse these cycles can become. They aren't good for my health.  

I will be seriously happy when the days start to lengthen out again.  This is just another seasonal thing that Fall & Winter bring into my life, like allergies & the flu.  I think the flu is easier to deal with than screwed up sleep patterns.


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