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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Just Another Day...

Not much going on today.  I've been dealing with sinus issues for a bit.  I should've taken ibuprofen thi morning but for some reason I didn't.  This shifting weather from chilly to warm is being a problem.  It isn't so much the temperature, as the humidity levels & pressure fronts.  Not to mention all this shifting weather is being pushed by changing winds.  The wind has been going for days now, blowing debris.

I keep waking up dehydrated & stuffy.  I drink everything I can when I get up in the morning just to feel human.  For a while I feel like a dried out  sponge with sinus issues. It doesn't make exercise easy by any means.  It's problematic for my sense of balance & it makes me prone to throbbing, head rushes if I lower my head.  As the weather chills this will settle down, but for now this is no fun.  


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