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Friday, November 9, 2012

50, Straight & +...

This British article states for the 1st time in the history of HIV, that heterosexuals are the leading population being diagnosed +.   

And this year for the first time, 70% of new cases were caught through heterosexual sex with 30% involving over 50's, mainly men.
There is still this idea HIV is the gay plague.  That it's something young people catch.  These 50 year old men still think they have no need to engage in safer sexual practices.  

Between this statistic & the sheer aging of the + population, HIV is rapidly becoming a serious geriatric issue.  Between ignorance, stigma & fear many people just don't know or even want to know if they are +.  England is not free of HIV stigma.  Many + people report discrimination & assaults due to their status being known.  

I have to say I don't personally have much patience with this 50+ crowd.  They were in their 20's when HIV really hit the scene.  They've had 30+ years to get with the program & they have chosen not to for whatever reason.  Due to that choice many of them are now finding themselves +.  

We ask kids to take better care of themselves & to be careful in whatever they do.  Why should they?  Why would they bother when they see their parents & grandparents being even riskier than they are?  If we want HIV stopped, everyone has to step up & be responsible.  It's well past time to learn about HIV & how to prevent it.


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