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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Postponed Shopping Day...

I normally go shopping on Fridays so I can avoid crowds & children.   However, yesterday was Black Friday, so I opted to go today.  It was still very busy & filled with a lot of other people who didn't go shopping yesterday.   

A lot of them were doing there regular shopping.  Some were still searching for deals & stalling lines down the aisles.  Others were obviously not the primary shoppers in their family.  Shopping is for pro's, amateurs please stay home or at least remember which side of the aisle to stay on.

Past the crowds.  Past the inconvenience of Wal-Mart.  Even past the children.  I have a major problem with rude shoppers & there were plenty of them today.  Please remember, most of us don't want to be there anymore than you do, so be nice or go the hell home.

I'm a good shopper, but I don't like it.  I hate the erratic nature of the stores around me.  I can't stand the rudeness of the people who think they're the only ones in the world shopping.  I really can't stand people's screaming children.  Let's just say that shopping is not good for my nerves. At least it's over for now.


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