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Friday, November 23, 2012

The Day After...

Thanksgiving has come & gone.  Today there are a lot of people busy with Black Friday.  Some are shopping.   Some are working.  Others are griping that buyers are consuming.  Others gripe that workers are laboring.  

The thanks didn't last long.  Some points on Black Friday.  The idea has been around for decades.  Many people have to work on this day & the days surrounding it.  Working on holidays is nothing new.  The sales on Black Friday may the only way some people make it through the holidays, consumers & businesses alike.   Finally, at least those people who are complaining about having to work on Black Friday actually have a job.

We have formally entered the Winter holiday season, whatever that may be for you.  Santa arrived at the end of the Thanksgiving Parade & now the mad dash is on to get the presents bought, the tree up & holiday memories made.  

This all sounds like a lot of rather unpleasant work.  I think I'd rather just stick to Thanksgiving & the turkey or even go back to Halloween & the jack o'lanterns.   Holidays shouldn't be this much fuss.  If you get stressed out over of the event, then how are you supposed to enjoy it?  Luckily, my roomie & I keep our holiday plans simple.  We'll probably have a very similar repeat of the Thanksgiving routine on Christmas & go see the Hobbit movie when it hits the theaters.  

Best wishes for your Black Friday & the holiday season.


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