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Friday, November 30, 2012

Annoying AM...

Went to bed last night just wanting to get a good night's sleep.   What I got was a lot of neighbor noise for a while. Then about 5:30 there was a massive cat fight (actual kitties) outside.  That was an off & on again bout for about 20 minutes.  Then when I'm just about asleep again, the carbon monoxide/smoke alarm starts chirping. 

Mind you, it's dark & I'm mostly asleep, so the 1st couple of ear-blitzing chirps weren't really recognized.  Finally, I drag my butt out of bed & have to get a step stool to get to the damn alarm.  I'm thinking it needs  its batteries changed.  I replaced them & as I was going to return the alarm to its roost, it starts chirping again.  

I turn the thing over & read that a chirp every 30 seconds doesn't mean the batteries are dying.  It means the alarm, itself, is dying.  I sat the thing down & went back to bed.

I get up.  Its a shopping morning, but I did manage to get my morning crunch routine done.  Then the internet starts giving me hell.  I'm having to load every page like 3 times just to get it to work properly.  I wind up leaving later than I wanted to go shopping.

I get there & find out that the alarm is like $35.  WTF?  Smoke alarms are like $10, but add on the carbon monoxide & you get a huge jump.  I leave it, thinking I'll go price these things online.  

I get home & unload groceries.  Then I hear a crash in the kitchen.  A back off of a chair broke & dumped my roomie on the floor.  Luckily, it looks like she's just banged up & no major problems.   Then we see the bills have come.  I also find out the Wally World price on the alarm is about par for the course.  

Out we go again.  I pay the utilities bills, buy the alarm & head home.  By this time, it's nearly 11:00.  We're both tired, hungry & just want to be home.  We picked up Chinese on the way from a new place. It was OK.  The soup was really good.

Over all my morning has sort of sucked.  I've replaced the alarm. I've taken my shower & I'm going to look at my online stuff & that is all for today.


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