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Monday, November 5, 2012

Another Day...

It's within reach, tomorrow is election day in the USA.  The major hyping will be over.   There will still be plenty of hoopla about the matter, but maybe the electoral BS will go away.  I hate this time.  You can't trust anyone.  A lot of people get very fowl during this process.  Candidates make promises no one could keep.  

There's a lot at stake here, but I'm not sure who will really do what.  I'll just be glad when it's done.  I'm sick of the BS on Facebook.  The abundance of emails & unsolicited phone calls.  I'm to the point that I think people should vote for the person who bothered them the least.  The one who's party made the least unwanted calls, sent the least amount of junk mail/spam or the party that made the fewest asinine comments about the issues.

Oh well, by Wednesday morning we'll know who was elected.   Then both sides can scream foul.  Just think, in a measly 30 months or so, the whole nasty process will start all over again.  Joy.


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