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Monday, November 26, 2012

A Non-Manic Monday...

Today's been good so far.  Since I opted to shop later in the week, I didn't need to go the store this morning. That was nice.  I slept well, got up, did exercise & got around.  No muss, no fuss.  It's really good to have days when most of your need-to-be-done's are over before noon.   There's still more stuff to be done in the day, but nothing that has to be done at this very moment.

Too many people don't know how to allow themselves to have actual down time.  Or haven't figured out how to fit it in their schedule.  Downtime is a necessary thing for destressing.  It allows you to unwind & recharge.  I'm fond of the days when we have little to do & aren't feeling like we should be doing something. Days like this are really good for my health.  I get rested & my head cleared.  There'll be time for cluttered thoughts & stress tomorrow.


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