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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Silver Bullet...

This article talks about a new approach to condoms.  It may not be a bullet, but it is silver.  They are talking about adding silver nanoparticles to condoms to fight against HIV & Herpes.  Currently there is a failure with  condoms preventing HIV, just as with pregnancy.  That's why they started using additives like Nonoxynol-9.  The additive was supposed to be a spermicide with the added benefit of fighting STD's.  It didn't exactly go as planned.  Not only is Nonoxynol-9 not good at preventing HIV, it can cause swelling & lesions in the genitals.  So, it can actually increase the likelihood of transmitting HIV.

The idea here is these nanoparticles of silver can somehow inhibit the spread of these STD's.  The article wasn't clear on the how of the matter.  The only thing I can say is that is bound to raise the price of condoms.  Still, any break through is a worth noting.


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