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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Continued Modifications...

Both my roomie & I are exercising.  Her perhaps more regularly than me these last weeks.  The thing we're both noticing during this endeavor is the continual need for modification.  We're both constantly tweaking our  routines.  To make them have more impact or simply to get them to fit into our day better.  

I've recently been having issues with my morning steps again.  The light is still a problem for me waking up.  It'll get better once the days start lengthening out again.  For now, I've decided to move my main steps to the midday & move my midday crunches & the like to the morning.  My butt is on the floor when I'm doing crunches.   No need to worry about tripping off of a step that way because I'm still half asleep.

The point is simple, most everything in our lives is a work in progress.  It'll need to be reevaluated & changed  periodically.  Regarding to a physical routine, some exercises may be abandoned altogether & others introduced.  

It doesn't mean you've done anything wrong or that you're failing.  It means you've recognized something isn't working or working as well as it should for you.  You acknowledged the problem & took a proactive stance in correcting it.  Life is about evolution through adaptation, practice & endeavor.  If you want to get nowhere, do nothing.


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