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Sunday, November 4, 2012

It Arrived...

The 1st morning of no Daylight Saving Time crap was today & it was wonderful.  It was the 1st time in quite a while I woke up feeling rested & alert.  I got my extra hour of sleep.  The sunshine came peeping through my window at a decent time & let me acclimate to the morning.  My awakening this morning was slow & peaceful, instead quick & jarring as it has been for the past few weeks.

It's midday & I've gotten through most my exercise.  I haven't been rushed.  So far the day has gone very smoothly.  For this I am very grateful.  We had to worm the cats this morning.  I wasn't expecting to have to do this.  Any day last week, this would've frustrated me & the process would've left me very irritated.  Today, a well rested roomie & me grabbed the cats, dosed them & went on with our mornings, no big deal.

There might have been articles today, but I didn't look.  I wanted to write about how amazingly different I feel today in comparison to yesterday.  Morning light does wonders for me.  I can't believe I'm the one saying that.  I'm not a morning person.  However, if I have to get up, then I really do need the process to be slow & well lit.

For all of those of you who have to deal with Daylight Saving Time, I hope you're all enjoying the extra hour & morning light.


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