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Friday, November 16, 2012

Shifting Seasonal Concerns...

We're getting into the cooler part of the year.  Fall's nice warm days are growing brisk.  I haven't been taking my allergy meds for a while, but I'm having sniffles & sinus issues all the same.  Different seasons bring different health issues.  

I'm having to use lip balm now & lotion heavily after my showers to keep from drying out & chaffing.  I'm going to have to make sure my feet stay warm, so I don't develop any chillblains.   My dry skin is prone to developing eczema patches.  There cough fits when I exercise or after I come in from the cold.  

Luckily the light levels have changed after the end of Day Light Saving time.  This has made a huge improvement to my mornings.  Now, I just don't want to get out of bed because it's chilly. 

The point here is, every season has it's quirks for your health.  You need to be aware of them & do your best to avoid them or at least deal with them as soon as possible.  This is especially true if you're someone with a chronic illness.  

Here's hoping to a good Winter.


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