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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wednesdays Back...

I've already said Wednesdays can be especially busy for me.  There's things I need to catch with on TV, online, household stuff, bath, exercise, trash & more.  Recently I've decided to edit my to-do list for the day so I'm not so overwhelmed.  None of it was hard, it was just taking too much time to get through it all. 

Today's gone's fairly smoothly.  I've gotten through a lot of what I needed to do already.  I've still have some slightly larger dishes to cook.  

It's sort of amazing, we're only 8 days from thanksgiving (US) &  40 until Christmas.  There are only 47 days left in 2012.  That gives me just 50 days until this blog turns 3 years old. Time certainly is flying this year. 


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