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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Get Tested...

This article & many others online today are discussing the push for people 15 - 65 to get tested for HIV at least once.  This would make more people aware of their status & aid in getting treatment for those infected. It would also help limit further transmission of the virus.  

The push is due to people's inability to accurately gauge their own risk levels regarding HIV.  They certainly can't speak for those of their partners.  The idea of a single test is for those not involved with any risk behaviors or women who are pregnant.  People who are engaging in risky behaviors &/or could be pregnant should get tested more often.

Medical professionals would like for HIV testing to become as common as checking cholesterol levels.  Depending on your health & the medications your on, you could check your cholesterol annually of every 5 years.   The point is to make this screening as standard as breast exams & routine blood work.  

The short of it is easy;  get tested, know your status, get treatment if needed.


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